
  1. O

    Utility sink - hybrid elec water heater - washer layout

    Hello, Installing a 50 gal electric hybrid water heater in the garage - new install. It sits in the corner with a laundry sink to the left, washer to the right. We are stuck with the complexity of it all, wanting to conceal the pipes and vent. My first question is about tying the utility sink...
  2. G

    P-Trap/Vent question for new washing machine in old Jacuzzi area

    I just removed a jacuzzi and want to add a stackable washable dryer in the corner of the room (see pic). I have enough depth to build out another wall in front of the exterior wall for the plumbing. Can someone help me understand how to get from the stand pipe/ptrap which will be on the wall...
  3. D

    Single to double lav drain and vent help

    I'm looking for the easiest and best way to make this single lav waste/vent setup into a double. The current trap adapter is in the center of the wall and the new vanity setup will have an 18" drawer base cabinet in the center and a 30" sink base on both sides of that. Which would make my trap...
  4. P

    Drain & Vent Help (General Assembly)

    Hi everyone I need some assistance on how to complete a plumbing assembly. I am in LA County so we use the UPC, I believe. I have attached pictures of the existing conditions and a few diagrams of what I think might work. Essentially I am wondering if I can build a soffit to carry the drain...
  5. R

    Venting Issues

    Looking for advice to help guide what help I need to resolve. I have what I think is a venting problem with my home. Every few weeks my kitchen sink will backup and not drain correctly. If I run the disposal, it pushes all the water into the other side of the side-by-side kitchen sink. I...
  6. D

    Renovating Basement Bathroom

    I am renovating the basement bathroom. Started as replace the shower, but some water damage made it a complete tearout. I am at the point to cover the shower and toilet plumbing, but am a bit concerned. 1. The shower drains into the toilet line, right below the toilet. 2. The shower drain has...
  7. ccarrasc

    Using Double Sanitary Tee arms for drain and vent

    I am having to re-plumb my bathroom, and am trying to follow IPC 2018 as best I can (I live in Vermont). The current Stack Vent, which exits the roof, is 3" copper and currently only vents the toilet. As I am now replacing the toilet, and remodeling the bathroom, I figured it was a good time to...
  8. jeromio

    Adding a dry vent to existing stack

    I'm adding a DWV system to a basement and need to tap into a 3 in dry vent stack that currently serves a 1st floor bathroom with toilet, tub and lav. As you can see, there's not much room here. The 1st solution that comes to mind is to add a 3x3x1.5 santee above the existing. This involves...
  9. R

    IPC Section 917 -- Examples

    Can anyone provide an example (or multiple) of how IPC Section 917 can be used in a residential setting for a two-story home with stacked bathrooms (shower, WC, lav)? I'm particularly interested in how that section allows toilets to use the same stack (if at all). I'm having trouble...
  10. B

    Multiple vent stacks or just one?

    I have a set of basement fixtures which are served by a vent which routes horizontally in the joist space between basement and first floor before going vertical. I'm doing a kitchen remodel and need to reroute the kitchen sink vent. I'm wondering if I can tie into the stack from the basement...
  11. M

    Toilet/WC above Shower?

    I'm trying to get a wall hung toilet installed in my condo but my application got rejected because as I understand it, that the wet vented drain for the WC has to be at the same elevation or lower than other wet vented plumbing group fixtures such as the shower (I assume it is to prevent risk of...
  12. Caryncbreeef

    Best AAVs?

    Hello plumber folk. I am finally getting fixtures in (started a remodel which became a teardown. My buddy, a retired plumbing inspector gave me the plumbing design and you fine people helped me make it a reality (I passed the rough on the first go). Due to lots of things I have a stack for the...
  13. H

    Laundry plumbing

    I found this done. I thought sinks could not enter below the laundry in the stack? Also, couldnt you use a double sanitee and eliminate the sink revent altogether? I’m sure this is an easy question for the plumbers. But I can’t seem to find these answers anywhere. I’m getting ready to put in a...
  14. R

    Vent Pipe on Outside of Exterior Wall

    Hi all! I am planning on installing a bathroom in my basement, I live in Maine (IPC code, I think). I have easy access to the main stack to the septic system but venting the drains (and up flush toilet) is going to be difficult. After hours of research I am totally lost on when wet venting is...
  15. R

    Wet Venting to Main Stack

    Hi all! I am planning on installing a bathroom in my basement, I live in Maine (IPC code, I think). I have easy access to the main stack to the septic system but venting the drains (one vent for a up flush toilet, one vent for a up flush sink, one vent for a large bathtub) is going to be...
  16. J

    Tub/Vent Question

    Hello everyone, I am doing a remodel and have tied my new bath drain into a conveniently placed existing vent. Based on my research I thought it would be okay in this circumstance but am now questioning the setup and looking for a second or third opinion. The new bath drain ties into the...
  17. Patflemming

    Tying into existing drain line - Venting question

    I am trying into a bath and lav drain line and installing a diverter valve to allow me to choose between sending water towards the sewer or to my grey water system. I want to make sure I am choosing the proper location to tie into. I'm thinking of installing the valve after the bath/shower and...
  18. J

    Home-owner looking for some help properly venting a 1st floor toilet around a support beam in the basement ceiling.

    Hello! I registered an account specifically for this question so any help would be greatly appreciated! I live in a house built 100 years ago and over that time there's been some questionable modifications done. One of which is the powder room on my first floor. When I moved in after a couple...
  19. C

    Bathroom Sink Venting Question

    Hello, I'm putting in a bathroom sink drain in Canada, Ontario. We had a plumber come in who told us there was no vent for this drain and it would cost a lot to install. We contacted another plumber, who said all we needed to do was install an AAV. I'm a little confused because it looks like...
  20. Q

    Adding Vent to Laundry Standpipe

    Hi, I have a restricted trap below my laundry standpipe that can no longer handle the spin cycle output of my washing machine. It is the original installation from 1962; a 2" cast iron pipe goes below the concrete floor to a buried trap. Several times over the last 15 years I was able to...
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