wet vent

  1. P

    Drain & Vent Help (General Assembly)

    Hi everyone I need some assistance on how to complete a plumbing assembly. I am in LA County so we use the UPC, I believe. I have attached pictures of the existing conditions and a few diagrams of what I think might work. Essentially I am wondering if I can build a soffit to carry the drain...
  2. M

    Toilet/WC above Shower?

    I'm trying to get a wall hung toilet installed in my condo but my application got rejected because as I understand it, that the wet vented drain for the WC has to be at the same elevation or lower than other wet vented plumbing group fixtures such as the shower (I assume it is to prevent risk of...
  3. F

    Question re wet venting on 100+ year old home

    Hi all. Does this setup look feasible? I have an old home so am stuck with the layout. Main question is whether the 3" wet vent pipe connection between shower and toilet branches should connect to horizontal branch at 90 degrees. I am leaning that way since it's a wet vent. I am trying to go to...
  4. R

    Wet Venting to Main Stack

    Hi all! I am planning on installing a bathroom in my basement, I live in Maine (IPC code, I think). I have easy access to the main stack to the septic system but venting the drains (one vent for a up flush toilet, one vent for a up flush sink, one vent for a large bathtub) is going to be...
  5. Ponti

    Help needed drain tiny bathroom

    Hello everyone, I’m currently in the process of transforming a closet into a small bathroom (approximately 36”x6’) and could really use some expert advice on the drain layout. I’ve attached a layout picture for reference, but I’m unsure if the proposed configuration makes sense. Specifically...
  6. D

    Advice on a Wet Vent

    Hi All, I am undertaking a bathroom renovation. (1 WC, 1 Lav and 1 Tub.) My intention is to move the Lav to the opposite side of the room. Bathroom is basically down to the studs now. Looks like all cast iron plumbing and vent (house is 1890). As it stand the WC drains directly to the soil...
  7. jpap

    Is this a siphon trap?

    I'm planning a remodel underneath two bathrooms (photo is looking at the upper bathrooms from below). It looks like tub trap arm is wet vented by a 2" wye going straight up to the lav above. That lav has a 1-1/2" dry vent on the upper level (and no other fixtures on the same 1-1/2" dry vent)...
  8. C

    Moving Washing Machine Drain Question

    I've been wanting to move my washing machine drain and supply lines for a while and thought I might be able to take advantage of a water damage situation in the bathroom that shares a wall. Drywall in the bathroom is partially removed, exposing all the plumbing in the shared wall. I could...
  9. JonBodd

    Wet venting through a stack under UPC

    In the picture below, can the tub/shower and toilet be wet vented through the vanity drain after entering the stack? This is under UPC in CT. Thanks!
  10. T

    Will this wet vent setup work?

    I am redoing a bathroom and am moving fixtures around. I'm wet venting the bathroom group, but just wanted to run the diagram by those who would know better than I to make sure that it is correct. Upstream of this bathroom group is another bathroom that is separately vented.
  11. Kamil

    Wet venting a toilet with vanity

    Hello everybody I have a question regarding a wet venting a toilet with a vanity drain. I would like to know which option is better in the attached sketch option a or option b for going vertical to horizontal. I can not put a long sweep 90 as I have a structural timber in the way. Would...
  12. DeRun

    Need Help! Adding Shower to Basement Half - Drain and venting

    Hi. Noobie here and thanks for the add! I'm a DIYer and want to add a shower to the half bath in basement. Not sure how to add drain line and vent. Please see pic attached. Red arrows show toilet and sink drain direction under slab. The blue circle shows where the copper vent meets slab...
  13. Oldtimm

    Venting a basement shower remodel

    Hello all, In the process of a remodel and I'm trying to wrap my head around how to vent the shower. The way I see it, I have two options based on where everything needs to be. Option A (red lines are my proposed runs): Option B: The shower trap will be too close to the wall to fork off of...
  14. Mim80

    Two bathroom groups, is this correct?

    Hello, I am renovating my home by adding back-to-back bathrooms on the second floor. I have asked a plumber to do the plumbing. He came one afternoon and then he disappeared (after the first payment), and now I cannot find him :( . I am thinking to finish the job myself but I am worrying that he...
  15. Bshmstr

    Best Option for Laundry Drain Tie In?

    I am in the process of adding a washer and dryer on the second floor of my two story home. They will be located on the other side of the wall from a bathroom group (tub/shower, toilet, and lavatory) so I have relatively good access for routing the drains and supply lines. My question is what is...
  16. LetMeVent

    Help Venting Freestanding Tub

    We are currently undergoing a master bath remodel, and want to confirm my plan for venting the new freestanding tub. The previous bathroom configuration had a corner whirlpool tub framed to abut a single vanity along each side, and the tub drain was wet vented to the lav in the vanity along the...
  17. Toffees3

    Design Review - Plumbing Isometric for Home Re-Drain

    Hello All, I am designing and will soon be working on a home Re-Drain Project. - Located in Tampa FL. - Code is 2020 Florida Building Code, so IBC / IPC 2020. - Re Drain project is adding a new main sanitary line outside of house to minimize trenching inside. - All PVC for new work. Looking...
  18. Johnny_Fear

    Attaching utility pump to odd stack

    Just had this amazing stack: Replaced with this somewhat less amazing version: I guess I have 3 questions: The new setup now has the lav (kitchen) wet(?) venting into the drain line for lavs 1 & 2 on level 2. From reading it seems like that's not per code, is it? (I think Indiana is...
  19. JoeNW

    Help Needed: Bathroom Plumbing Layout

    Hi Everyone, I'm remodeling my old house and am not a plumber. I've read on the forums and tried to make sense of the code check book. Of all the trades I've had to do during this remodel - plumbing is the hardest and I have lots of respect for the problems that plumbing professionals solve...
  20. puddi

    Wet vent question

    Suppose a shower and a sink are the only two fixtures connected to a vertical 2" pipe that serves as both drain and vent. The sink trap arm attaches to the 2" pipe above the shower trap arm, so the section between the two inflows is technically a wet vent section. According to 908.1.1 (size)...
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