New Member
800 Map rating (1 piece model rates 500). White, Beige and Bone come only in CEFIONTECT while Black and Gray do not come with CEFIONTECT. Available only in ADA height. 9" X 7" "waterspot" (looks very small compared to old toilet).
I replaced three perfectly functioning 1990s era Briggs toilets with 2 Gwenyths and an Eco-Drake (BTW, the Eco Drake has a 10" X 8" waterspot). The only drawback to the Briggs was having to hold down the handle to get a full flush when #2 was deposited. Almost never clogged and had a very quiet flushing action. As Terry mentions, we replaced because it's the right thing to do with the drought conditions in the West (especially in SoCal where I am).
I bought white and the installation is like any other non-skirted toilet. I wanted the double cyclone action but not the uni-fit and the reported drip noise. I also didn't want to mess with the tile floors being drilled. Attaching the tank, I couldn't get it on the 3 raised edges without exerting more force than I was comfortable with so the tank rocked a little when using the flushing lever. I loosened the nuts holding the tank to the bowl, inserted a rubber washer (the ones you use inside a outdoor watering hose) between the tank and the back raised edge. This allowed me to tighten the nuts without exerting too much pressure and get contact with the front edges. Rock solid tank with no movement.
This is my first low flow toilet. Reading the reviews and comments on this forum did not prepare me for just how quick the flushing action is. With my old toilets, the water would slowly start to rise in the bowl, then start swirling and finally, start going down the drain. Of course, refilling that much water also took quite a while. With the Gwenyth, you depress the flush lever fully and let go and the flush is done. I guess when you are only dealing with 1.28 gallons, it has to be quick. While my old toilets had a gentle quiet flushing action, the Toto is quick and violent. BAM! The waste is gone. GLUG GLUG GLUG when the violence is over as water forms waves and eddies when the bowl is emptied and water comes in to refill the empty bowl. No splashing or anything but it is incredible to see the bowl empty that quickly. It is loud in comparison to the old toilet.
To appreciate the double cyclone action, you have to put food coloring or leak detector into the tank. It really does swirl all around the bowl. A "tube" of water is released from the two holes, quickly flattens out and works its way around and down. With the Eco Drake, there is minimal bowl wash at the back and sides. It mainly comes down the front of the bowl.
We're a family of 4 and have not had any issues with skid marks or clogging. My 17 year old wanted a "quiet" toilet and while she acknowledges it's louder than the old toilets, the Totos meet her concept of a "quiet" toilet. Must be that some of her friends have pressure assisted flush. Everyone likes how fast the flush is.
The seats are comfortable enough to me and the wife finds them very comfortable for toilet seats. The toilet does what it's supposed to with great efficiency. We are now looking for a disinfecting cleaner that isn't a stain eraser to keep the integrity of the CEFIONTECT. Apparently, stain removal translates to acid in toilet bowl cleaners. We don't have a staining problem with our toilets (or maybe the acid containing cleaner just did a great job on the old toilets).
Why 2 Gwenyths and 1 Drake instead of all Drakes or all Gwenyths? My wife wanted maximum bowl wash to minimize risk of skid marks so the master bath and downstairs main bath got the Gwenyths while the kids bath got the Drake (they're moving out in few years so it will be rarely used and I save $100). But we haven't had any issues with marks on the Drake. Also, my wife is height challenged so I needed to put in 1 regular height toilet in case she was uncomfortable with the height of the Gwenyths but she hasn't had any issues using the Gwenyth.
Why the 2 piece rather than 1 piece? Cost and weight. I install the bowl then assemble the tank because I don't want to mess with a 100 pound toilet.
I replaced three perfectly functioning 1990s era Briggs toilets with 2 Gwenyths and an Eco-Drake (BTW, the Eco Drake has a 10" X 8" waterspot). The only drawback to the Briggs was having to hold down the handle to get a full flush when #2 was deposited. Almost never clogged and had a very quiet flushing action. As Terry mentions, we replaced because it's the right thing to do with the drought conditions in the West (especially in SoCal where I am).

I bought white and the installation is like any other non-skirted toilet. I wanted the double cyclone action but not the uni-fit and the reported drip noise. I also didn't want to mess with the tile floors being drilled. Attaching the tank, I couldn't get it on the 3 raised edges without exerting more force than I was comfortable with so the tank rocked a little when using the flushing lever. I loosened the nuts holding the tank to the bowl, inserted a rubber washer (the ones you use inside a outdoor watering hose) between the tank and the back raised edge. This allowed me to tighten the nuts without exerting too much pressure and get contact with the front edges. Rock solid tank with no movement.
This is my first low flow toilet. Reading the reviews and comments on this forum did not prepare me for just how quick the flushing action is. With my old toilets, the water would slowly start to rise in the bowl, then start swirling and finally, start going down the drain. Of course, refilling that much water also took quite a while. With the Gwenyth, you depress the flush lever fully and let go and the flush is done. I guess when you are only dealing with 1.28 gallons, it has to be quick. While my old toilets had a gentle quiet flushing action, the Toto is quick and violent. BAM! The waste is gone. GLUG GLUG GLUG when the violence is over as water forms waves and eddies when the bowl is emptied and water comes in to refill the empty bowl. No splashing or anything but it is incredible to see the bowl empty that quickly. It is loud in comparison to the old toilet.
To appreciate the double cyclone action, you have to put food coloring or leak detector into the tank. It really does swirl all around the bowl. A "tube" of water is released from the two holes, quickly flattens out and works its way around and down. With the Eco Drake, there is minimal bowl wash at the back and sides. It mainly comes down the front of the bowl.
We're a family of 4 and have not had any issues with skid marks or clogging. My 17 year old wanted a "quiet" toilet and while she acknowledges it's louder than the old toilets, the Totos meet her concept of a "quiet" toilet. Must be that some of her friends have pressure assisted flush. Everyone likes how fast the flush is.
The seats are comfortable enough to me and the wife finds them very comfortable for toilet seats. The toilet does what it's supposed to with great efficiency. We are now looking for a disinfecting cleaner that isn't a stain eraser to keep the integrity of the CEFIONTECT. Apparently, stain removal translates to acid in toilet bowl cleaners. We don't have a staining problem with our toilets (or maybe the acid containing cleaner just did a great job on the old toilets).
Why 2 Gwenyths and 1 Drake instead of all Drakes or all Gwenyths? My wife wanted maximum bowl wash to minimize risk of skid marks so the master bath and downstairs main bath got the Gwenyths while the kids bath got the Drake (they're moving out in few years so it will be rarely used and I save $100). But we haven't had any issues with marks on the Drake. Also, my wife is height challenged so I needed to put in 1 regular height toilet in case she was uncomfortable with the height of the Gwenyths but she hasn't had any issues using the Gwenyth.
Why the 2 piece rather than 1 piece? Cost and weight. I install the bowl then assemble the tank because I don't want to mess with a 100 pound toilet.
Originally, TOTO had a one-piece and a two-piece Gwyneth
These are now:
MS604114CEFG, Ultramax II
CST454CEFG, Drake II

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