TOTO Aquia II - water trickling over weir level

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Vancouver BC
We have 4 TOTO Aquia II toilets. They were installed when the house was built 15 years ago. Recently, the one in the master bathroom (which by far, sees the most use) started to make a "water trickling" sound AFTER peeing or otherwise adding a small bit of water from a cup. I replaced both the Fill and Flush valves and the Tank gasket with genuine TOTO parts (see attached), as I was unsure where the sound was coming from and the fact that this toilet is 15+ years old and used by my wife and I and the other toilets (except the one in the powder room) are hardly used at all. The fill valve height is adjusted so that on refill, the tank water level just comes up to the WL mark. The little valve on the tubing going to the overflow tube is almost completely closed.

No change. So I got down close to the discharge and poured a bit of water into the bowl and voila! I could hear the trickliing sound through the discharge. So, I believe a small change in the bowl water level is causing liquid to flow over the weir on the trap. I have tried various adjustments to the valve on the tube from the fill valve, but there is NO change in the water level of the bowl.



  • Fill Valve TSU99AX.jpg
    Fill Valve TSU99AX.jpg
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  • Flush Valve.jpg
    Flush Valve.jpg
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  • Universal Fill Valve.jpg
    Universal Fill Valve.jpg
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