Question about strange sewer like smell.

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north carolina
Can anyone answer this sewer question. We been having stench smells in our trailer for a while. Thought it might be the AAV vents under the sinks. But its not those, replaced. Already cleaned sinks and sink pipes well, taken apart and washed. Rarely smell the stench in the actual sink drain holes and when I do that actually smells like sewage, the smell we are smelling is different and worse. Used a snake on a roof vent to see if thats the problem. Dont seem to be but it did unstop the washing machine drain from over flowing as there is a roof vent going to there. We have two other roof vents, near the bathrooms which also have AAV vents inside as well. But sinks and tubs seem to drain ok there. Tore out a board under sink as it looked a little moldy. First thought the stench was mold as we did have a refrigerator line leak that caused some damage to the floors near kitchen. Will get that taken care when can, another time. Anyway after taking board under sink out I happened to feel a cold breeze around the water lines and sewer vent there. I stuck my nose to it and it was super strong blowing up with the air there. So it seems the smell is not from the sewer or AAV vents nor roof vents unless another is clogged but then why would it blow up from around sewer vents if another was clogged. Its like the stench is coming up from under the trailer around the sewer pipes going into the trailer when air blows up around the sink sewer lines. Cant really describe the smell other then to say worse then sewer smell, like a very rancid gagging perfume or something. It has given us headaches and made us feel sick many times. As sometimes the smell gets all through the place, stronger at different times. But its strongest under sinks as the air blows up around the sewer drains from under the trailer. I did smell under the trailers edge a little but cant seem to notice the smell outside there. Its worse at both the kitchen and bathroom. I did put spray foam around the leaks of air coming up around water lines and sewer vent in the kitchen. That knocked the smell down a lot there from coming up around pipes. But thats when we still smelled it a little everywhere and i went to the bathroom, opened the cabinet door there under sink and smelled the same horrid smell there super strong. So it must be coming up around the pipes there as well from under trailer. I plan on snaking that roof vent over that bathroom but dont see how that is the issue since the smell is coming up through the floor with the air leaking up around the pipes, and the sink and tub there drains. Any ideas what it might be? Later will cut into insulation under trailer and feel for the pipe from the kitchen to the bathroom as that pipe is under the insulation but runs from kitchen to end bathroom of trailer to be sure its not busted and leaking somewhere. Thanks for your help.
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