Those pumps are cheap. But it is the only one I know of that says, "Not made for continuous duty". That means the motor is not designed strong enough to run continuously. Since cycling on and off is the biggest killer of all pumps, not being able to run continuously can be a problem. If you never run a sprinkler, take a long shower, or water anything for long periods of time, the pump would not run continuously anyway. It doesn't say what the duty cycle is? Can it run 5 minutes or 20 minutes at a time? Who knows. May even be running too long to fill that extra pressure tank. Any motor that doesn't say "Made for continuous use" is just not a well built motor. That pump will also just barely build enough pressure to shut off with a 30/50 pressure switch. Adding a pressure relief valve for safety is helpful, but not if the pump cannot build 60 PSI to make the prv work. A pressure gauge (can go anywhere) would be nice, so you can see how little pressure that pump can build, which is why they don't come with one. A hose bib is just for you to use if needed, but not required. Save your money for a good pump and a PK1A kit and you will have something that will last a lifetime.