Seth Rieder
New Member
I am curious what the best settings for my system would be as the installer has been less than helpful. This is our second winter here and after heating the house last year with the in floor it didn’t like to keep up in the very back corner of our house which happens to be the master bedroom. I have 3 difference zones of in floor heat. So this year I am trying a different approach, I have installed three new thermostats with floor sensors and have been running the floor set to 70 degrees(just to keep it from getting uncomfortably cold on your feet)and doing the main heating with our furnace. I turned off the outdoor sensor, I guess because in my head it didn’t make sense to use that when I am sensing the the floor temperature and not the air temperature anymore. Can anybody give me some tips on the ideal settings for this thing? Or any ideas of how I can better set this up to run as efficiently as possible? I was happy with its performance last year and am sure it is able to run more efficiently then our trane furnace which is a 93% efficiency model… except for the zone that covers the master bed which seemed to always run 1-2 degrees under set temp and never seemed to shut off on very cold days.
Floors are concrete, 90% of the floor covering is tile the other 10% is laminate. The thermostats running the 3 zones are Honeywell T6 Pro Hydronic thermostats(TH6100AF2004)
Thanks for the help!
Floors are concrete, 90% of the floor covering is tile the other 10% is laminate. The thermostats running the 3 zones are Honeywell T6 Pro Hydronic thermostats(TH6100AF2004)
Thanks for the help!