
  1. M

    Shower and Sink outflow linked directly to Toilet outflow?

    Am aware shower/sink drainage can be connected to toilet drainage before the waste pipe exits the property, but just checking this connection isn't *too* close to the toilet bend?! It looks very close!! (but I am not a plumber by trade!) Any help massively appreciated. Many thanks. Photo of...
  2. 2

    Water softener discharge to dry well

    Hi all, I’ve consulted these forums a lot for sanity checks/learning but finally have a particular question and would greatly appreciate your expertise. Had a double failure of both a water softener system and the dry well to which it drains, so in the process of replacing both. The new...
  3. Seaspray

    Sump pump discharge pipe noise driving us insane - any fixes?

    Hello and thank you for any tips you may have! Basement Systems just installed an interior perimeter drain and sump pump. They installed the discharge line immediately underneath our bed’s headboard, under the bedroom window. The noise of the sump and the water rushing through the pipes we can...
  4. G

    Two Bathroom Piping Advice

    Hi , Just want to stat by saying that I have been using this forum quite a bit over the last few weeks to plan out my plumbing. Thankful for all the advice I see posted on here. I'm in the process of re-doing two washrooms and have come up with the following arrangement, this is to accomodate...
  5. Chiperific

    What would you call this PVC "loop" / "horseshoe" thing?

    Hi, turning to the pros for help finding a good descriptive name for this 1/2-inch PVC horse-shoe-like fixture. This is a 3-stage water filter that my organization developed for use in rural communities in the developing world. It's made from common PVC components, two 5 gallon buckets, and a...
  6. seeker407

    Drain WM (w/ air gap) to kitchen sink or tub?

    Greetings, I have two ideas, seeking feedback: IDEA 1: drain WM into sink and monitor with 90 gallons of reserve capacity standing by IDEA 2: drain WM into 84 gallon tub... both ideas would use a mesh over the drain to prevent debris going down the drain. My questions: 1. Will I overflow my...
  7. GoHawks

    Wet venting a shower

    I am adding a bathroom to my upstairs and want to make sure my venting is correct. I will be tying my sinks, toilet, and shower together. My shower venting is a little weird and want to make sure it works. The shower is in the middle of the room and because of that I need to run about 4 feet...
  8. BobD777

    Lawn Drains to Drywell OK?

    I've got a situation where I need to put in some lawn drains in an area of our lawn where water collects from a nearby slope. We just had a patio installed and then had the whole property graded last year, power raked and finished with topsoil. We also planted lawn. However, we've got a good...
  9. John Bush

    Adding Washing Machine Standpipe in Basement

    Right now, my washing machine in the basement drains into one of those very old, super-heavy concrete utility sinks. The sink is starting to crack and leaking more often, it often clogs with the lint from the washer, and we're tired of switching out the mesh sock covers. I want to put in a...
  10. Sjking

    Rheem electrical water heater drainage

    Need some help draining the above heater. The draining outlet is connected to a non return valve and inlet. Do i unscrew this Draining outlet or is there another way? Thanks in advance Si
  11. CarlPorter

    Will 4' PVC used as downspout discharge freeze?

    I am planning to bury my downspouts and push them to the front of the property using 4' PVC. However, I live in Michigan and the one thing I'm worried about is the pipe freezing and breaking. I'm thinking that, if I'm pitching everything correctly and I have a drain hole on the low side (where...
  12. amandar

    Flooding Septic Tank due to Underground Spring

    Hi all! I am new to this forum and I am reaching out because I simply do not know where else to turn. I bought my first house just about a year ago. We started having plumbing issues almost immediately which were due to ancient cast iron pipes. So, we have replaced those to PVC. Everything...
  13. csand

    Venting for Sink and Shower into Macerator

    I'm adding a bathroom in a recently-enclosed garage. Instead of busting up the concrete and trenching to the septic tank, I'm feeding this into a macerating toilet, which I'll then tie into a nearby line that goes to the septic. My question is about venting. I've roughed in a configuration, but...
  14. AcidWater

    French drain vs dig trench to foundation

    I need some objective way to determine if a French Drain would be sufficient, or if I need to dig a trench and waterproof the outside and add gravel drainage. My garage has one leaky wall, which is below grade. It is the right side of the front of the house. The driveway goes down a slope to...
  15. Genamarie

    Drainage problem only in one bathroom.

    I'm new to forum posting so sorry in advance if this is jumbled. We have a bathroom on each side of the house, and the one furthest away from our Septic Tank is having drainage issues. The toilet has been "slow" flushing for a little while now, but the past week or two, at least a couple times a...
  16. igloo256

    Toilet not flushing after flood

    Hi all, New to the forum. We have two toilets at home. One doesn't flush well (does this gurgling/bubbling thing) and one used to work. The city flooded for a couple of days and now neither toilets work. The water still "drains", no actual flushing. It goes down VERY slowly. We have recently...
  17. fathom73

    Back to back restroom under slab drainage

    I'm working with larger drain pipes under a slab and want to keep everything as simple as possible while having a bunch of fixtures. Attached is a drawing using a sweeping wye for each fixture. The fixtures are directly above the main branch and I'd like to sweep directly into the top of the...
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