Midwest DIY'r
New Member
Trying to educate myself on pipe sizing according to IPC and I'm either missing or not interpreting the code correctly, likely a little of both is my guess. We are building a 3 bedroom home and have detached garage with a 3/4 bath. I have a 3" drain coming out of the shop with a cleanout, the house is not built but will be later this year. The septic contractor is installing the system designed by a local soil scientist, the drawing doesn't specify pipe sizing but does specify an effluent loading rate of 0.3 GPD per sq ft.
How is the pipe running between the house and septic inlet sized appropriately? I've read several posts on using 3" vs 4" but I'm unclear which is correct and variables to consider. We appreciate any assistance that can be shared, thanks.
How is the pipe running between the house and septic inlet sized appropriately? I've read several posts on using 3" vs 4" but I'm unclear which is correct and variables to consider. We appreciate any assistance that can be shared, thanks.