Plumbing code in Seattle, Wa

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north seattle
I am seeking more information about plumbing laws in Seattle. Last year I had a pipe under my sink burst in early May. The unit I was living in had several issues prior that led me to believe the landlords were not properly upkeeping an older building. The burst flooded my entire apartment. When the plumber showed up, he said that old plastic pipes need to be replaced or outfitted with a water flow management valve (?) that would prevent flooding? My landlord also mentioned in passing that a pipe had burst previously in a different unit in the building. I am suing these landlords and trying to show that this flood occurred because of negligence. Does anyone know more about the rules as far as plastic pipes in seattle and whether the plumbers statement was true? He won't return my calls or emails so I have been unable to follow up with him.

Tuttles Revenge

In the Trades
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There are some forms of plastic pipe that are not allowed to be installed as potable water pipe inside of a building in Washington / Seattle. Most notably PVC which is a white plastic... similar to its allowed CPVC which is almost always a yellow/cream color. While CPVC is allowed, you won't find much love for it on these forums as it does become brittle over time. All plastic pipes do have very specific methods of installation, when if not followed lead to failure of the fitting or tubing. PEX pipe needs to be crimped or expanded properly with the correct rings for the type of tube and fittings being used.

Pictures of the pipe would help a lot in this case, not only to identify the material used but also of the method of installation.

Here is a link to check on registered contractors in Washington state as required by law.


Licensed plumbing contractor
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San Francisco Bay Area
If an actual lawsuit is pursued, you will be paying out of pocket for an expensive expert witness who will provide testimony regarding negligence.
The plumber who told you whatever is hearsay and not admissible. You will need evidence from experts or forget it.
"pipe" burst is not enough of any kind of a description.
Water flex risers burst every day, so if it was simply under your sink connecting angle stop to faucet, you have no case whatsoever.

Jeff H Young

In the Trades
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No idea if you have a case against your land lord presumeably for cheaping out on doing proper repairs and causing you harm.
If you dont have renters insurance get it , many landlords force you to get insureance.
It sounds like you are just fishing for money no mention of any damage you suffered or why you are sueing? no mention of you paying the damages to the apartment . like I said thats what it sounds like but maybey you are a real victim.
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