New Member
Hello, I live on the 2nd floor of an 11 story condo. The building is about 12 years old and the hot/cold pipes under my kitchen sink are copper. Lately, whenever one of my neighbours runs their faucet, I hear a very loud gushing sound under my kitchen sink/ from the pipes; when I touch the hot/cold pipes it feels like water is running through them. At first, I was hearing a little thud after the neighbour turned off their tap, but I have not heard sound in the last few days. I also feel a vibration all up & down the wall beside the kitchen sink where the water stack is located. I cannot figure out if the source is from next door, i.e. the suite beside me or the suite directly above me; the Superintendent and a plumber went to both suites last week and were not able to recreate the issue, however I do hear a lot of other noise/banging around from upstairs in the same faucet area when the noise occurs. When I turn my faucet on full-tilt, I do hear a little bit of a whistling sound just at the base of the faucet handle. But the noise in the pipes occurs regardless of whether my tap is on or off.
Has anyone run into a similar issue? Could the source be from downstairs or is it most likely coming from upstairs?
Has anyone run into a similar issue? Could the source be from downstairs or is it most likely coming from upstairs?