Banjo Bud
Active Member
My toilet was leaking very slowly from the tank to the bowl. It would leak until the float called for water, then fill. This happened about every 4 minutes. I replaced the flapper. No help. I replaced the valve assembly. No help. I replaced the gasket between the bowl and tank. No help. I replaced the stand pipe assembly which included a new flapper. No help. I removed the stand pipe and silicone caulked where it meets the bottom hole in the tank. No help. I pulled the fill hose out and watched it and it was not leaking there. I finally replaced the entire toilet and that did it. I just can't figure out where the toilet was leaking. I thought I covered all the bases. Now that I replaced it, I'm ok but what could have been the problem? Oh, one more perplexing thing. There were two toilets that did the same thing. I replaced them both after I spent $50 in parts on each without fixing the leak.