Check Valve between fixture and whole house water filter

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I installed a two-stage whole house water filter (sediment and carbon) in an unconventional way and had to install it after the cold water already teed off to one of the bathrooms due to some space limitations by the meter. See below for a diagram.


Unfortunately, since installing the filters I've noticed that the water in bathroom 1 turns brown for about 30 seconds every time it runs, then turns clear again. I suspect that this is because of my unconventional installation and that the whole house sediment filter backwashes through itself to that bathroom whenever I turn on the water in there. My thought is to install a check valve between the filters and the tee for bathroom 1 to prevent the filter from backwashing. However, I'm concerned about creating a closed system and the potentially increased pressure affecting my remaining fixtures. Is the expansion tank on my water heater enough to prevent any negative effects from installing a check valve, or is there something else I would need? I do have a PRV at the meter. If you have any other suggestions to fixing my backwashing issue (other than moving the filter assembly to the meter, which would be extremely difficult), I welcome them. Thanks!
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