Okay..some may think I'm going crazy (my wife certainly does!). I collect coins and periodically check them under a microscope. Lately, I've been noticing what appears to be rapid growth and darkening spots on the coins under magnification. I thought at first it was oxidation, but it appears to be happening on other materials as well. I also smell something in the air (of course nobody else smells it). It's not really musty.. but it's almost like a sweet smell (very hard to explain). It isn't horrible, but it isn't something I really want to breath-- it's annoying. Most people describe mold smells something like dirty socks or a strong musty smell. I don't think it's that bad or unbearable. My quest for the source continues and has led me down a trail. Possibly air-borne bacteria, then to possibly mold spores. I've never seen oxidation happen this quickly and have never seen it on a rubber surface. There's no visible signs of mold around the house. The walls, ceilings, bathrooms, sinks, and even the outside perimeter look fine. The only spot I found some mold is in the drain tube of our Bryant 926t . I don't see any water pooling around the unit and the tube itself doesn't look the least bit moist. In fact, the only thing that's in it appears to be the mold. Is it possible that this is causing the phenomenon on my coins and could it be the culprit of the smell I'm smelling? And why is the smell only in the basement and not on the main floor or the 2nd floor?
*NOTE* The Bryant is located on the 1st floor, probably about 15-20' and up a level from my desk in the basement.
Is my drain tube working? Is it normal to have stuff growing in it? Am I riding on the Titanic and is this just the tip of the iceburg?
Thanks for taking the time and easing a disturbed mind!
*NOTE* The Bryant is located on the 1st floor, probably about 15-20' and up a level from my desk in the basement.
Is my drain tube working? Is it normal to have stuff growing in it? Am I riding on the Titanic and is this just the tip of the iceburg?
Thanks for taking the time and easing a disturbed mind!