water heater

  1. O

    Utility sink - hybrid elec water heater - washer layout

    Hello, Installing a 50 gal electric hybrid water heater in the garage - new install. It sits in the corner with a laundry sink to the left, washer to the right. We are stuck with the complexity of it all, wanting to conceal the pipes and vent. My first question is about tying the utility sink...
  2. E

    Supporting an 8-foot run of PEX Pipe

    Good morning, everyone! I have been lurking on Terry Love forums for over a decade, decided it was time to join. I went from hiring a plumbing professional to doing all of my plumbing on my own. Terry Love is to thank for a lot of valuable information I learned. To make long story short, I...
  3. twilite

    Honeywell thermostat 5 flash error

    Hi, I'm seeing a 5 flash error code on a Bradford White water heater with Honeywell thermostat. I can reset it by turning the dial to off and unplugging the thermocouple wires, then plugging back in the wires, pressing down the dial for 3 seconds, and then setting the temperature. The water...
  4. BobD777

    Replacing Water Heater: A way to test my sweat joints without filling tank?

    Hi-- I had an AO Smith heat pump water heater fail and was provided a new unit by AO Smith. It's pretty straightforward since the plumbing is all in place, and the electrical is no problem as I ran that to the original unit. I'm ready to cut out the old unit, and connect the replacement. I've...
  5. T

    New water heater install - Copper directly on hot water nipple?

    Hi all, I recently had a new water heater installed (Bradford White 50 Gallon Natural Gas RG2PV50T6N19). I just noticed that the hot water connection on the water heater is directly connected to copper pipe. Conversely, the cold water connection has, what seems to be, a brass fitting in between...
  6. M

    Tie water heater drain pan into utility sink standpipe?

    Hello all, first time here... Doing a basement remodel and the boss (wife ) has requested a new laundry room. I'm moving the washer and dryer to make the setup more useful, and raising the floor to match the height of the existing finished floor. I've removed the water heater to get the...
  7. Caryncbreeef

    Floor Drain question / WH proximity to Subpanel question

    Hello folks, after three long years getting ready to finish this project. I’ll try to make this simple and clear. Installing a Rheem Proterra 50 gallon Hybrid WH. With regards to subpanel, i have 28” from corner of utility room (where plumbing is) to RH of Subpanel. Code seems to say I need...
  8. R

    Need Info About Water Heater Cost

    I am buying a mobile and swapping out the original water heater to replace it with another. I was told that the water heater that is being taken out is a very good water heater. Therefore, I think that I can resell it since it is brand new. However, I cannot find a price for it on the...
  9. Moses Blumenstiel

    Dented Water Heater

    Brought this Rheem water heater home yesterday, unboxed it and saw this dent. It's at the very bottom on the seam in the rear and is indented about 1". Is it ok to install it?
  10. Terry

    Pulling and replacing old water heaters

    Pulling and replacing old water heaters. You never know how old the water heater is going to be when you get "the call". In condominiums, many want replacement at 10 years to prevent water damage by a failed water heater. If you get ten years without a problem, you done well. And the neighbors...
  11. Tomject

    Heat pump water heater not quite warm enough in winter

    We've got a 100+ year old house in Portland Oregon, it has a 50G hybrid heat pump water heater in the unfinished but warm basement. We have 2-4 people living here. During winter months we've found it often doesn't get warm enough water to the 2nd floor shower. In the summer, there are times...
  12. Blooboyd

    New Electric Water Heater Install - Tight Space??

    Hello All, Need water heater replaced. Looking to change out old Whirlpool 30-gallon to State 50-Gallon. However, want to make sure space/safety will not be an issue... I have a basement ‘furnace room’ that’s about 9’ X 10’ that houses an oil furnace, (100 gallon?) oil tank, and current...
  13. Terry

    Have I been installing tank water heaters wrong?

    Have I been installing tank water heaters wrong? Does this installation seem a little odd to others?
  14. DaisyNH

    T&P valve and Drain dripping after Drain and Flush the water heater

    Hello, today I was trying to drain and flush the 10year old water heater for maintenance. Here are the steps I followed after I checking out the instruction videos on YouTube: 1. Shut off gas valve, turn the knob to off. 2. Close the cold water valve on the heater water 3. Connect a garden hose...
  15. Dappropsllc

    Do indoor tankless water heater prone to freeze?

    For indoor tankless waler heater, does it need insulation?
  16. EggMcMuffin

    Water Heater Outlet Nipple - Unsure if leaking

    I'm unsure if there's a drip leak at the water heater outlet to nipple connection of my Bradford White gas water heater. I used 3.5 wraps of Megatape on the threads with a light to moderate amount of Rectorseal 5. It's impossible to see without removing the top cover. I just replaced the...
  17. Borisj

    Do I need 12” vertical brass stubs on this Rheem Water Heater?

    Hello, I’m installing a Rheem Marathon 50-gal water heater, in a 2nd floor, where it’ll service only the 1st floor (so it kinda has a “built in” heat trap since the pipe only goes down). Been trying to contact Rheem for 2 weeks with no response. There’s no code official here for me to ask either...
  18. Saint7

    Leaking portable water expansion tank

    Hello, I have a portable water expansion tank, and it is leaking at the blue tip. I’m assuming it’s done for good due to corrosion. However, I don't know what to do other than to use the main water shut-off valve to stop it from leaking drastically. It has two valves connected on top of the...
  19. Scott Baxla

    T & P valve on water heater blowing

    A friend's water system has been working fine for at least 10 years. This week the T & P valve on the hot water heater started leaking. (Mounted on the top of the tank - don't have to drain tank to replace it.) My first suspicion was bad T & P release valve, so I replaced it. The new one did...
  20. Jthayer92

    White Rodgers gas valve thermal cutoff switch wiring!!

    I had a white rodger water heater gas control valve go bad i ordered what i thought to be the same valve but when i recieved it i noticed it does not have the 2 wires that run to the thermal cutoff switch like the previous one! aside from the missing wires the valve is identical! Is there some...
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