Under Counter Ice Maker drain question

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I am not a professional plumber. I am wondering if this set up for my Kitchenaid under counter ice maker with a drain pump is following Kitchenaid's installation instructions. The drain hose from the icemaker (grey tube) is tied to to the dishwasher drain (white tube coming from above) via a "T connection". The "T" then is connected to the garbage disposal. The instructions per the Kitchenaid manual says "the drain pump discharge line must terminate at an open-sited drain". It says "Don not connect the outlet end of the drain tube to a closed system to keep the drain water from backing up into the ice maker". When I asked the plumber about this, his response was "This is tied to what is considered an open drain (i.e. after the trap). The drain hose is also looped to create a trap.". Please let me know if this meets Kitchenaid's instructions and if this is how you would install the drain hose if it was your house. The second picture shows the air gap installed to the left of the garbage disposal, above the drain and under the sink. Thank you.


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