Hello all! Kitchen sink is draining poorly. Flippers bypassed old sink vent. Can you advise on whether and also how:
1) Should I just put in an AAV coming off of the end of the P trap as in picture below (what adaptor would work here? Some sort of a T?) OR
2) Tie the existing drain into the old vent that is one joist bay over. How exactly would you make this tie in properly in terms of adaptors and pitch/height?
3) And last, is the way the existing drain is done under the sink proper in terms of the connected double P-trap contraption or should it be redone and how?
Thank you!
PS - pictures won't attach for some reason?
1) Should I just put in an AAV coming off of the end of the P trap as in picture below (what adaptor would work here? Some sort of a T?) OR
2) Tie the existing drain into the old vent that is one joist bay over. How exactly would you make this tie in properly in terms of adaptors and pitch/height?
3) And last, is the way the existing drain is done under the sink proper in terms of the connected double P-trap contraption or should it be redone and how?
Thank you!
PS - pictures won't attach for some reason?