New Member
Home is in FL on a concrete slab. Removed existing ceramic tile including a marble curb cover going into the shower. The concrete slab drops down into the shower pan - in other words the shower pan is below the level of the rest of the concrete slab in the house. The concrete along the edge of the curb just crumbled in spots as I was removing the tile and marble curb. I'm pretty handy, but never done a shower before. So, two questions...
1) Can I repair this with self-leveling concrete since its next to a low spot anyway? Will it hold the edge?
2) In all the videos I've watched, there's always waterproofing, either paint-on or shower pan liner. I see neither on the inside face of the curb dropping down into the pan. Just tile on the concrete slab. This normal? Should I be worried about the rest of the shower?
1) Can I repair this with self-leveling concrete since its next to a low spot anyway? Will it hold the edge?
2) In all the videos I've watched, there's always waterproofing, either paint-on or shower pan liner. I see neither on the inside face of the curb dropping down into the pan. Just tile on the concrete slab. This normal? Should I be worried about the rest of the shower?