40 year old house with 2 American Standard Champion 4 12” rough in toilets I would like to replace. One bathroom has a 12@ rough into a 12” in rough in toilet is good. The other bathroom, very small, has a 13.5” rough in. The American Standard toilet in that bathroom is a round bowl and sits between 1.5-2” off the wall. I would like to replace the old toilets with Toto toilets possibly with washlets. I think the elongated bowl will be best for this usage. I am trying to determine whether a 12 or a 14 inch rough in toilet would be best. The space is tight with the doorframe currently just past the edge of the round bowl by about an inch. I need help in determining the Toto model that would work best for this space and usage. I have read about wobbly toilet seats on Toto models. I wouldn’t want that. After having to replace the Champion 4 inner works nearly every year we are hoping for much more reliable service from our new toilets . Any help would be greatly appreciated.