New Member
Our water source is from a community water line which runs along the main road. The elevation where I live is about 7000 MSL. Our meter (3/4 inch) is located at the main road and from there we ran a 2" PVC (schedule 40) line (40 yrs ago) to our home which is 600 ft. from the road. The reason the plumber used 2" PVC was because we have a very steep driveway (15 to 18 degrees) along the road to our home. At the time, he indicated that a 1" line may not be enough to get adequate pressure up to our home. Currently the pressure is just fine (80 PSI). I have had leaks along the existing line and need to replace it. The original pipe is 20 ft. long pieces, schedule 40. I have NOT called a plumbing company just yet. I would like opinions on the type, size and lengths of pipe which is available and should consider using. Thanks so much.