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Following the UPC 2021
I am remodeling my bathroom. I am trying to wet vent my shower through the lavatory drain.
The horizontal wet vent is 2” and is going to be 66”, could be shortened to 60” if required. Then goes vertical approximately 18” where it meets with the sink and becomes a dry vent.
A couple questions:
1) Can the horizontal wet vent be 66” long? Not sure if horizontal vent follows similar code to a trap arm that is limited to 60” for 2”? 1002.2
2) For the shower, that is wet vented:
- Is the trap arm measured from the trap to where it connects to the wet vent?
- Or is the trap arm measured from the trap, through the wet vent, all the way to the vertical portion of the wet vent?
3) 908.1 Vertical Wet Venting: “no wet vent shall exceed 6 feet (72”) in developed length.”
Does this 6 feet limit only apply to the vertical portion of the wet vent? Or does it include the horizontal and vertical parts of the wet vent?
Meaning if the horizontal part of my wet vent is 66” then I only have an allowance of 6” vertical before the wet portion of the vent must end? Or if my horizontal wet vent is 60” then the vertical portion can be 12”?
Or is the 6 feet limit just the vertical wet vent?
I am remodeling my bathroom. I am trying to wet vent my shower through the lavatory drain.
The horizontal wet vent is 2” and is going to be 66”, could be shortened to 60” if required. Then goes vertical approximately 18” where it meets with the sink and becomes a dry vent.
A couple questions:
1) Can the horizontal wet vent be 66” long? Not sure if horizontal vent follows similar code to a trap arm that is limited to 60” for 2”? 1002.2
2) For the shower, that is wet vented:
- Is the trap arm measured from the trap to where it connects to the wet vent?
- Or is the trap arm measured from the trap, through the wet vent, all the way to the vertical portion of the wet vent?
3) 908.1 Vertical Wet Venting: “no wet vent shall exceed 6 feet (72”) in developed length.”
Does this 6 feet limit only apply to the vertical portion of the wet vent? Or does it include the horizontal and vertical parts of the wet vent?
Meaning if the horizontal part of my wet vent is 66” then I only have an allowance of 6” vertical before the wet portion of the vent must end? Or if my horizontal wet vent is 60” then the vertical portion can be 12”?
Or is the 6 feet limit just the vertical wet vent?