Kohler Cimarron toilet review, Owner comments and pictures

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near San Jose, CA.
Same here - not a single clog in 5 years. It is true about the lack of adequate bowl wash, but we still are on the original flapper and the toilet has been entirely maintenance-free. We're happy with it - just need to keep a toilet brush near by.


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I have a Cimarron® Comfort Height® elongated 1.28 gpf toilet - K-11813 (just installed today) and it seems to have adequate bowl rinse. (certainly much better than that video 5 years ago on the first page).

I purchased this from Lowes and have found that the tank does not sit square on the base. Further viewing... I find that the base where the tank rests on is not level almost like a mold defect. Is this a fluke, should I return it? I was able to kind of shim one side (using shims for toilet bases) on the underside of the tank to get it more level (still off by 1/4").
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Retired Defense Industry Engineer xxx
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New England
If the thing is not level (assuming the floor is), then it is defective. That is one reason why professional plumbers don't like to deal with that toilet...too many defects. Then, they have to install two (or more) for free...no way to make money. If you get a good one, it will work fine. Your chances of that are lower than with some other brands.


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Damn am I mad.

So, from earlier posts, you know that I had an issue with a Kohler Cimarron. The tank would not sit level as the base part that it sits on, had a weird defective bow to it. There was no way I could accept this. Back to Lowes it went.

My wife did the return and tried to check everything out before bringing a 2nd Cimarron home. I pull it out of the box, sit it on the garage floor and it teeters!!!!! I also notice the Kohler logo is crooked.

How is this acceptable from a company like Kohler! This is no rinky dink operation here. These are supposedly high end products! Where is the quality anymore!

So, I take it back to Lowes and they give me a hard time about the return. I am 41, but look in like I could be in the 20's. So the guys are asking me all these questions as if I didnt know what I was doing. I pointed out that the inside feet extended past the rim...the guy (an older guy in his 60's) was telling me that I have to put a wax ring on it first to level it. Sorry, but I had no patience...I had to demand that I get my refund now and that I dont have to further justify my return.

I was livid!:mad:

Should I contact Lowes or Kohler to complain?

Can someone help me get a toilet from Home Depot, Lowes, *M*n*a*r*ds*? I cant special order one or deal with any plumbing supply houses (as I am not a contractor)....which of the big box stores sells a nice toilet that works and is of quality?
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New Member
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Dallas, TX
I just purchased 3 Cimarron class 6 toilets, and after installation, discovered that the 1.28 gpf seems dismal compared to the 1.6 gpf toilets replaced. Yes, if I hold the handle down, the toilet flushes with the desired force, but I'd rather just press the handle normally.

Does anyone know of a down and dirty conversion that will give me a full 1.6 flush with the 1.28 model? There just has to be a way to make the canister stay open longer... automatically.

Watch out for Lowe's salespeople too. I was told explicitly that the Cimarron class six would allow me to adjust between 1.28 and 1.6 gpf. Apparently he meant by adjusting the time one must hold the handle down!


Would it be possible to replace the flush tube valve with a standard flapper valve system? The tube closure system is terrible.
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New Member
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Dallas, TX
I have the same issue with the Cimarron 1.28 I just installed. If it cannot be adjusted, can the flushing mechanism be replaced with one from the 1.6 Cimarron?

I think so - at least if you wander thru the Kohler website you will find that the flush mechanism is very similar with many of the same parts. I have been thinking about doing this - or replacing it with a standard flapper valve. I like the thought of the flapper.


New Member
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Toronto, ON
I just bought and installed a Cimarron , The Complete Solution Elongated 1.6 GPF or less, Class Six(don't know what that means) Model #k11465.
This site almost had me go for a Toto Drake or similar, prices around me were $200 more then the Cimarron.
I could grab the Cimarron at the HD 5 minutes from my house. The closes Toto dealer to me that had a reasonable price was a good 45 minutes away. Those two things swayed me to purchase the Cimarron. The install went really well no issues. It sat level and I really like the fact that the bolts that attach the tank to the bowl don't go through the tank, one less leak possibility.

All in all it looks good seems to work good but it's only been one day. If I have any issues I will post the info.

Just a quick thanks I learned a lot about toilets mostly from reading through this site.


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Peekskill, NY
First post here, just got a cimarron K-11451 from HD, installed, and had some fill valve issue (water slowly leaks). Changed this out to the fluidmaster 400A (fit no problems) for about $7 and it's good and holding. So far I agree with the bowl cleaning issue, but MUCH better than the contractor grade Kohler it replaced. 1.28gpf seems to work, I use Charmin Ultra, I think it makes a difference which brand/type of toilet paper you use as far as the cloggings go.

I am getting a Toto drake Eco for the upstairs bathroom though after reading the reviews...


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Burleson, TX
Man, I'm wondering if I have the same toilet as others do. When we built the house, I specified to the GC & plumber that we needed good flushing toilets. Mine are model #4634aa 1.6 gallon and are from around 2005. I have at least three clogging issues a month between them. The most frustrating thing is that I have to snake them all the time since the elongated bowl won't let you use a plunger....at least not without soaking yourself in some nice brown water :(

It seems that mine are always getting clogged on the lip of the bottom of the trap. Still scratching my head over why they put a lip at the bottom of the trap.


K-4634-AA tank and K-4286 bowl




Retired Defense Industry Engineer xxx
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New England
A well performing toilet has a nice clean, smooth trapway. Obviously, yours don't conform to that premise. It takes more than a well designed trapway, though, which includes good bowl wash and reliable siphon action.


Wise One
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New York, NY
I just bought and installed a Cimarron , The Complete Solution Elongated 1.6 GPF or less, Class Six(don't know what that means) Model #k11465.
This site almost had me go for a Toto Drake or similar, prices around me were $200 more then the Cimarron.

Just a quick note that Terry sells the Drake and Eco Drake on sale for less than HD cells the Cimarron, so Toto's prices can be competitive if you shop around.
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Wise One
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New York, NY
Man, I'm wondering if I have the same toilet as others do. When we built the house, I specified to the GC & plumber that we needed good flushing toilets. Mine are model #4634aa 1.6 gallon and are from around 2005. I have at least three clogging issues a month between them. The most frustrating thing is that I have to snake them all the time since the elongated bowl won't let you use a plunger....at least not without soaking yourself in some nice brown water :(

It seems that mine are always getting clogged on the lip of the bottom of the trap. Still scratching my head over why they put a lip at the bottom of the trap.

Just a thought that there are some very good prices out there these days on Toto Drake and EcoDrake (not Drake II) toilets, which are exceptionally-reliable workhorses that look good. If you look elsewhere on this site, Terry has a sale on Cotton White Eco Drakes with elongated bowl for $219. That's a sale price, and you're a little far from him to go pick one up, but the point is that the prices on these toilets can be very competitive if you look around and call around, even more so if you horse-trade a little bit.

I'm the last guy that you would think was capable of installing a toilet, but I have now done three in our house. It's actually a pretty-fun project, and you should find it a fairly-straightforward project in a 2005-vintage home. All the little challenges to an easy install (like floors that have been built up around the flange, non-standard flange distance from wall, etc.), probably aren't going to be present in your case. It should be what I've heard referred to as a "pop and drop" -- pop the box and drop the toilet on the new wax. There are a number of good videos online about how to install a new toilet, and if you're up to it, you can eliminate this headache for less than $700 for three toilets. (You'll need to buy new wax and recommended new water supply hose and closet bolts.)

Just a thought...


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Thanks for putting up all of this information.

I see the good reports about Toto UltramaxII and Drake II, but both of them are longer than we would like. We have to replace a Kohler Wellworth (whose unglazed and narrow trapway has developed into a clog-o-matic feature after 20 years) that measures 26 1/2" in length and its front edge is about flush with the adjacent 2'-4" doorway in a smallish bathroom.

Either of the Totos mentioned above measure 28 5/16" long, according to their specs, so they would tend to obstruct access.
Kohler Cimarron comfort height RF is 27 1/4" long, according to its spec sheet; only 3/4" longer than the existing Wellworth.
But the actual effect of length depends on how far they extend forward of the bolt holes. Cimarron specs show length split 10 1/2" and 16 3/4" either side of the horn. I can't find the split for Toto.

In your judgement, is the Cimarron flushing ability and non-clogging performance comparable to the above-mentioned Toto's?
Some posters have mentioned problems with Kohler's new "Aqua Piston" flush valve. Are those just statistical outliers or early glitches, or is there a known problem with that flush valve?
I see no mention of any CEFIONTECT equivalent in Kohler's promotional information. Is the Toto system enough better at cleaning the bowl that it might be worth putting up with the extra length?



The Plumbing Wizard
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Bothell, Washington
Normally a toilet sets out about 3/4" of an inch from the back wall on a standard 12" rough.
The Koher bowls have improved their bowl wash over the last few years. The Piston flushvalve is fairly new, so it may be too soon to have much data on it.

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New Member
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Thanks for the quick response.
And your opinion about Cimarron non-clogging compared to Toto?

Oops, cancel this. I just found post #92
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Wise One
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New York, NY
Thanks for putting up all of this information.

I see the good reports about Toto UltramaxII and Drake II, but both of them are longer than we would like.

Cimarron specs show length split 10 1/2" and 16 3/4" either side of the horn. I can't find the split for Toto.

You mention the Ultramax II and the Drake II. You should also consider the workhorse plain ol' Drake.

As Terry points out, the Drake spec sheet says that the round Drake sits about 3/4" from the wall on a 12" rough-in. In reality, it appears to me that it's closer to what the spec sheet on the CST744E (elongated Eco Drake) says: 1-1/8". Have you measured your rough-in? Is it a precise 12" or is it off a little (or is it 10" or 14")? The original Drake can adapt well to a rough-in that's as much an an inch shorter than 12".

The round-front Drake CST743E is 26 3/8" back to front. Using my tape measure, it is VERY approximately 10 7/8" behind and 15 1/2" in front of the center of the closet flange. I'm eyeballing, so this is very rough, but it should give you an idea of the general proportions. If you need it more accurate than that, I am happy to get out the level and really do it right.

The elongated Drake CST744E is 28" back to front. I have one of those as well and can try to measure the split for you if you want. [Edit: The distance behind seems to be about the same, so you can do the math on the front.]
PS Like everyone else, we love our Drakes.
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Brand New Plumber
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Kohler Cimarron Toilet Review

I just bought a kohler cimarron toilet, and am VERY happy with it. It flushes great and has a very good bowl wash. Never clogged or struggled with anything it flushed. No problems yet, don't think there will be in the near future with this thing. I don't really like toto at all, but I think American Standard is ok.

Mona Lisa Abbott

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Did you overlook the pipe? I'm not sure if your plumber checked already ... but it would seem it's your pipe that has the clog. Sometimes tree roots can get in them way down the line, and of course sometimes people accidently put stuff in the pipes that cannot be cleaned other than snaking/breaking them out. Good luck.


I am on my third Kohler Cimarron Comfort Height toilet. We decided to replace an old American Standard that was in my son's bathroom and was clogging every week. My plumber recommended the Kohler Cimarron. The first one he put in was the round seat. 2 hrs after it was installed it clogged! My son was able to plunge it. We called the plumber who was shocked. The next day my husband tried the toilet, not only did it clog it flooded the bathroom! We were not able to un clog it.The next morning we saw that the flood had caused our kitchen ceiling to buckle! The plumber had to come and snake the toilet.We decided that we had a dud. The plumber could not replace it until the Kohler rep got back to him which took a week. Well we then got toilet # 2( same toilet).
We decided not to fix the ceiling until we were sure that the toilet worked. Well it was good for a week and then yup another un-plungable clog! Plummer came back snaked again and this time we got an upgrade - the elongated bowl. Kohler decided that the whole batch at the plumbing supply store must have been bad. Still not fixing the ceiling yet. Well # 3 is going on a week and a half and tonight - yup you guessed it - clogs again! We were able to plunge it.
I am at wits end - I don't know what to do. This toilet was sold as one I would never have to plunge.
I am calling the plumber back tomorrow but I don't know what to do. Do I ask for a better model? If so which one? Have you ever heard of anything like this?

Thanks for your time.
Sun, 18 Dec 2005
Susan H

Timothy LaDuca

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About a year ago I installed a Cimarron (15409-0) canister flush toilet. The toilet being replaced would clog if you tried to flush anything larger than a pea. I am amazed by how quick it flushes (2 seconds?) (nice to make the waste dissappear lickety-split) and how little water this toilet uses and it always flushes good no matter what or how much I throw at it. It says up to 1.6g flush, I guess that is if you hold the handle down. I think a regular press and release is just a little over a gallon.
The problem is there just isn't much rinsing action. The bowl flushes clean but gets ring around the rim very quickly and also there is a spot above the jet that just won't come clean now matter how hard I try.
Also very affordable. One minor complaint, the footprint of the toilet is quite large, there is not enough "toe space" (for guys standing up, ya know).
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Wise One
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New York, NY
It says up to 1.6g flush, I guess that is if you hold the handle down. I think a regular press and release is just a little over a gallon.

Well, the model you mentioned is a 1.28gpf toilet. Perhaps the bowl says "up to" 1.6 because they are using the bowl for both the 1.28 and the 1.6. I don't know.

However, if you hold the handle down, you are going to use a lot more than 1.6. (Remember, the gallonage per flush is the total water dispensed from the wall connection, including bowl refill, from the time you pull the flush handle until the time the fill valve shuts off.)
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