Would love a professional opinion on whether to buy this Caroma

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Edmonton, Alberta
I've bought a BB-2000 bidet seat that I'm looking to pair with a new toilet (current one is way too small). I'm looking at buying this Caroma Smart 270 one-piece toilet (http://www.caromausa.com/products/index/cu_products/109.php) since it looks like it might fit the BB-2000 perfectly.

I've read some mixed reviews on this toilet (and Caromas in general). Some reviews I've read of this toilet say the flush performance is horrible and the bowl frequently gets fecal streaks that need to be cleaned. But then again, if I'm using the bidet seat regularly, water spraying from that should help prevent that from occurring very often, shouldn't it?

It looks great and would fit the bidet seat great...I'm just not sure from what I've read as to whether it'll be a decent toilet or not. If it has to be cleaned frequently, my wife WILL kill me for having recommended buying it, so I need to be sure :)


Retired Defense Industry Engineer xxx
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New England
The thing Caroma brand toilets are known for, at least by people here, is that they have the largest waste pathway of any of the easily available toilets...about a 3" path verses most that are a bit over 2". That means it has a better chance of handling large, hard stools without them getting caught up on the smaller diameter path. Those can be a problem for people with medical conditions and seem to be in the 1% or so of the population. Those toilets also tend to splash a bit when flushing. I have no personal experience with them, so this is all hearsay. How well they clean the bowl is a separate issue. Whether that's an issue is usually a big factor of diet and the amount of fats and roughage consumed.

My personal preference is the Toto line.

FWIW, there are two general shapes/sizes of toilet seats: round and elongated. With few exceptions, the seats are interchangeable between brands as long as you stay in the same shape. The (sometimes) slight differences are in the color matching and the amount of overhang the seat has with the bowl, but for the most part any elongated seat will fit any elongated toilet, and the same with round.