Hello all, I have 4" SDR 35 drainage pipe buried under down for my roof's downspouting from gutters. I recently noticed a couple larger rocks at the drain end (where it daylights). My father in law borrowed a snake camera from his work and we looked inside the pipe and we see some areas where our downspouting wyes that tie into the pipe have an accumulation of rocks, most are probably 1-1/2" big or so. I believe they got in there when our foundation wall was backfilled from construction and came in from the vertical risers for the downspouting. The pipe itself looks to be in good condition and does not appear to be crushed.
I talked with a local guy with Roto Rooter and he recommended doing a hydro-jetting of the pipe to clear the rocks out. Is there any concerns with hydro jetting thin wall SDR 35 pipe? This pipe is buried down 8 feet so I don't want to cause more harm than good in doing this. If these method is not advisable, then what would you recommend using?
Thanks in advance.
I talked with a local guy with Roto Rooter and he recommended doing a hydro-jetting of the pipe to clear the rocks out. Is there any concerns with hydro jetting thin wall SDR 35 pipe? This pipe is buried down 8 feet so I don't want to cause more harm than good in doing this. If these method is not advisable, then what would you recommend using?
Thanks in advance.