New Member
I have a low yield well (2gpm) that when we are in drought, as Tennessee currently is, can lower to a rate of .25 gpm. With this the case, the existing two storage tanks (250 and 300 gallons each) are not sufficient for a home with 5 bathrooms and 4 adults/4 children. my pump saver is constantly blinking that it has shutoff the well pump due to a dry well and the tanks start to empty fast. This puts us all into lockdown mode.
I want to add a couple of larger storage tanks (1000 gallons each or more), but cannot figure out how to do this given the existing setup does not match what I see online regarding the optimal setup. Most seem to show a top fill and bottom outlet. My tanks only use the bottom outlets. See the attached picture of my current setup. The second pic with the green tank is on the other side of the wall in the garage and is not the tank with the float valve. I want to add some vertical or rectangle storage tanks next to it. How can I do this? My other concern is it seems like any new tanks will only fill to 250 gallons max. I say this since our 300 gallon tank in the garage only fills to 250 gallons.
I want to add a couple of larger storage tanks (1000 gallons each or more), but cannot figure out how to do this given the existing setup does not match what I see online regarding the optimal setup. Most seem to show a top fill and bottom outlet. My tanks only use the bottom outlets. See the attached picture of my current setup. The second pic with the green tank is on the other side of the wall in the garage and is not the tank with the float valve. I want to add some vertical or rectangle storage tanks next to it. How can I do this? My other concern is it seems like any new tanks will only fill to 250 gallons max. I say this since our 300 gallon tank in the garage only fills to 250 gallons.