
  1. C

    Water Main Broke - Repaired - Sand Coming Out All Faucets - Now, No Cold Water, Just Hot Water. PLEASE HELP. Wife Really Upset!!!

    Greetings all. I’m hopeful that you can give me some guidance. Per subject, all faucet’s work is it’s the exception of cold water. Hot runs fine. Turn on C water…sputters and spits out water and sand, and then fizzles out. Another notice is that outside ball valves not working. Removed them, and...
  2. Megan Ream

    Silica/sand sediment in hot water lines to house, worse after freeze

    Hello. I am a resident of Austin, Texas and i am looking for expert advice about resolving an ongoing issue. We are having daily build up of fine, tan sand in the filter coming out of our tankless heater, aerators (especially in the kitchen nearby and master bath including shower heads). The...
  3. Walker1270

    Deep Well Sand Problem

    Advice needed to help with the amount of sand coming up from the well. A little background We have a 240ft artesian well that was installed in 1977 with a 2" pipe (I know that's a problem). Original flow rate was 60gpm. Over time that dropped to only 5-6gpm due to extensive drilling into water...
  4. Mauro

    New to wells and to this forum

    Hello everyone I’m new here and new to wells too, just successfully dug a 4.6mt bore hole for a submergible pump with compressed air and water having found very shallow water table. However, no matter how deep I go, after 3.6mt all I get is sand. I got the pipe deeper by 1 more meter (4.6)...
  5. Jean

    Sand in water

    We have a well and have had no issues. This year anytime we turn the irrigation on for the garden, the inside water turns dirty and sandy. Why would it do this?
  6. ApoJake

    Sand in my Sandpoint Well water

    Hi! I purchased a house that has a sandpoint well installed in ~1990. This is a direct driven point well (no casing) that is a 2" steel pipe that is only used for an underground irrigation system. When I did the washer-on-a-string method, I measured a depth of 23 feet until I hit the bottom so...
  7. Mr. Walker

    Air Lift Well Pump Problems

    Well, I've got a well problem that is about to drive me mad. I've talked to the person who drilled the well three years ago and all they are doing is sending me around in circles. So, here is what I got: 2'' well drilled 130' deep with 10' screen at the bottom and static water level at 50' and...
Hey, wait a minute.

This is awkward, but...

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