Recent content by Brucelieb

  1. Brucelieb

    Can a DIY guy install/replace a water softener?

    That sounds horrible. As I said the resin freaks me out. Funny how it goes easy for some and for others not. Assuming experience level is relatively equal. It is lot about luck and where you buy it from?
  2. Brucelieb

    Can a DIY guy install/replace a water softener?

    You need the exact level of hardness? A water treatment company did a test and told me it was hard so I was just going to go from there. But why not. I 'll get it tested. Looking at the one I have , I only seeing two pipes to swap out.. and hoses but they just have clamps. The resin issue...
  3. Brucelieb

    Can a DIY guy install/replace a water softener?

    I need a new water softener and think I can put a good one in myself. (An education of sorts caused me to delete my original post.) I am wondering if you all think this is something a handy DIY can accomplish. There are only two pipes to connect, a manual to read and just plug it into the...
  4. Brucelieb

    Hague Water Softener leak.

    ok, I'm new here and struggling to understand my hague maximizer 96... Mine seeps /leaks out of the same little overflow pipe. I thought about putting clamping a hose to it so it can run to a drain... but that does not solve the cause. The pic is great. You think the solution is to take this...