Do you have an upflow piston, with a blue dot? check if you are not certain, because most softeners are downflow with the downflow piston.
You would also need to have the plug and injector set for upflow. See notes on page 17 lower right.
Assuming yes,
salt lb/cuft : 7 ; A choice ( efficiency vs capacity)
BLFC : 0.125 ; Brine Refill rate GPM (edit:corrected)
cubic ft resin : 1.5 ; Same as (nominal grains/32,000)
Raw hardness : 8 ; including iron etc
Estimated gal/day ; 120 ; 60 gal per person prediction (auto-tunes)
Est days/regen ; 34.44 ; presuming days each use estimated
Fleck 5810SXT Settings:
DF = Gal ; Units
VT = 5810 ; Valve type
RF = UFbd Upflow Brine Draw First (if using regular salt indoors)
CT = Fd ; Meter Delayed regen trigger
C = 33.1 ; capacity in 1000 grains
H = 8 ; Hardness grains after comp factor
RS = cr ; Cr = base reserve on recent experience
DO = 30 ; Day Override (typ 30 if no iron/Mn)
RT = 2:00 ; Regen time (default 2 AM)
B1 = 5 ; Backwash 1 (minutes) [3...10]
Bd = 110 ; Brine draw minutes #00 injector, 7 lb/cuft salt (could go to 120)
B2 = 4 ; Backwash 2 (minutes)[3...10]
RR = 6 ; Rapid Rinse minutes
BF = 28 ; Brine fill minutes
FM = t1.2 (usual) ; t1.2 is default flow meter
RE = OFF ; Relay
VR = OFF ; ?
You would also need to have the plug and injector set for upflow. See notes on page 17 lower right.
Assuming yes,
salt lb/cuft : 7 ; A choice ( efficiency vs capacity)
BLFC : 0.125 ; Brine Refill rate GPM (edit:corrected)
cubic ft resin : 1.5 ; Same as (nominal grains/32,000)
Raw hardness : 8 ; including iron etc
Estimated gal/day ; 120 ; 60 gal per person prediction (auto-tunes)
Est days/regen ; 34.44 ; presuming days each use estimated
Fleck 5810SXT Settings:
DF = Gal ; Units
VT = 5810 ; Valve type
RF = UFbd Upflow Brine Draw First (if using regular salt indoors)
CT = Fd ; Meter Delayed regen trigger
C = 33.1 ; capacity in 1000 grains
H = 8 ; Hardness grains after comp factor
RS = cr ; Cr = base reserve on recent experience
DO = 30 ; Day Override (typ 30 if no iron/Mn)
RT = 2:00 ; Regen time (default 2 AM)
B1 = 5 ; Backwash 1 (minutes) [3...10]
Bd = 110 ; Brine draw minutes #00 injector, 7 lb/cuft salt (could go to 120)
B2 = 4 ; Backwash 2 (minutes)[3...10]
RR = 6 ; Rapid Rinse minutes
BF = 28 ; Brine fill minutes
FM = t1.2 (usual) ; t1.2 is default flow meter
RE = OFF ; Relay
VR = OFF ; ?
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