solenoid valve

  1. Jod5908

    My indirect hot water tank is overheating due to the way it was plumbed, looking for advice.

    My hot water circuit from the boiler that heats my indirect domestic hot water heater has flow through it any time one of the heating zones has flow regardless of whether it's separate circulation pump is running, causing my domestic hot water to heat to 180F and has now ruined the relief valve...
  2. Dave Park

    Low water pressure on ONLY one zone

    Hi, I am struggling to fix my sprinklers. I have 5 zones. 4 of them are working properly but the last one (zone 5) has a very low water pressure. I checked voltage and it was fine. I also replaced the solenoid and diaphragm of the valve. Nothing worked :( Any help? Thanks,
  3. winni cheng

    When Lightning Strikes, Thunderstorm Coming

    Solenoid valve used in outside.When lightning strikes, thunderstorm coming, it will have a bad damage on irrigation systems. Years ago, electro-mechanical controllers and hydraulic systems were somewhat immune to lightning or electrical surges. With the advent of solid-state control products and...
  4. winni cheng

    Trouble Shoot For Chewed Irrigation System

    There is a saying that “By gnawing through a dike, even a rat may drown a nation”. This is the power of rats and their family of rodents. With rodent population growing 10X faster than humans, the riot caused by them is also escalating at an equal pace. Polymer products are particularly affected...
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