offset closet flanges

  1. gulfcoastpanda

    Advice Needed for Oval Offset Closet Flange Repair

    Trying to sell my home and doing some DIY for a toilet my wife noticed was leaking. When I pulled it up, I noticed the wax ring was deformed on the left side. Whoever put in this flange unit jerry-rigged the left side to hold a bolt using a galvanized steel pipe hangar strap with a bolt run...
  2. Killacam311

    What size hole in subfloor for offset flange?

    This is probably a very easy question but I just put down new subfloor and I don't want to screw anything up at this point. I had to replace a rotten beam and new subfloor. I know an offset flange fits my current toilet so long as it is drilled as close to the beam as possible, because that is...
  3. Suzanne Shwaluk

    Buying clearance with 14" unifit and offset flange

    Hello All, let me start by saying 'Thank You'! I was going nuts re: toilet analysis paralysis. This forum has restored some measure of sanity. It's fun being amongst other toilet geeks. I am renovating a powder room bath that has a 31" clearance from centre of toilet seat edge to door...
  4. Eduardo

    Offset Flange Replacement Nightmare

    So I purchased two toilets standard 12" Rough in with out measuring finished wall to center of sewage pipe. (Dumb mistake/Inexperienced) When I removed the old toilet I encountered 3 very unpleasant surprises: The distance from the finished wall to the center of the riser sewage pipe was 9" ...
Hey, wait a minute.

This is awkward, but...

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