
  1. Pmd5700

    Navien NPE-240A and NaviCirc Installation Question

    Hello, I just had my Navien NPE-240A (EDIT: It's actually an NPE-240A2) and NaviCirc installed today. First time tankless user. I was reviewing the manual and installation after they left, and I don't think they have the NaviCirc hooked up properly, and I want to confirm before I call them back...
  2. KevinL

    Navien NPE 240 A2 Flame Loss

    Hi All, I have a Navien NPE 240 A2 that was installed 3 months ago. I've noticed that in the mornings/first time I call for hot water the tankless will go through 4 short cycles before stabilizing and delivering hot water. The odd thing is the flow says 4.4-4.8 gpm which is inaccurate as I'm...
  3. Wes Anderson

    Navien NPE 240A

    Six months or so ago I had an NPE 240A installed. I was set up with external recirc line (I think) but don't feel I'm getting much benefit. I'm waiting 1 min 30 seconds or longer for hot water to get to end of the line (kitchen sink ~60 feet from tankless). This is no big deal and I know it...
  4. Pete Carlone

    Navien NPE 240A with Navicirc Valves

    Greetings. New to this forum but I saw other Navien posts on here so thought I could get some help. Here's the story: Just moved into a house and the previous homeowners had a Navien NPE 240A installed. I wanted to get it checked out (so that someone could explain to me how it worked...
  5. glycoski

    Navien NPE-240A going cold in showers - check valve issue?

    ISSUE: I've recently been having an issue with my Navien NPE-240A sending cold water to my shower after about 4 or 5 minutes. When I first start the shower, the temperature is hot as usual (setpoint at 125 degrees), then a few minutes later, the temperature drops considerably to luke-warm or...
  6. ProxyBox

    Navien NPE-a series Remote Control How-to Video

    I was able to integrate an RF remote to control the internal recirculation pump in the Navien NPE-a series tankless water heaters. I own the npe-180a. The video is for informational purposes only and I don't make any warranty assurances.
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