
  1. L

    Belly or less than normal slope?

    Getting my basement finished and had my sewer line cameraed to get ahead of any issues. It's 4 inch PVC under slab installed in 2020 by a company I no longer have confidence in. The camera identified a belly in a section of the pipe that was holding water and submerged the camera, but minimal...
  2. Noremac

    Belly in sewer line

    I'm wondering about a belly that was found in a sewer line. Sounds like the belly is about 99' from the clean-out, spanning something like 30'. and under about 15' of sidewalk and pavement, Does anyone have a ballpark idea on what this should cost, and how long the work might be? There haven't...
  3. meganite

    Belly in sewer line - Worst case scenario?

    I'm buying a bank-owned investment property and was provided a copy of a sewer line inspection a previous buyer performed. The report did not include much detail, or any photos or video. Because the inspection was not issued to me the inspector won't consult on it at all. The inspection...
  4. Ash75

    Belly in the PVC sewage pipe

    Five months ago we purchased a 10 years old house. Recently we had a sewage backup in the toilet, flooding the bathroom and the water came in the bedroom. My plumber cleaned the sewage line with a very long snake. He ran a camera and said I have a belly under the house in the PVC pipe. He did...
Hey, wait a minute.

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