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  1. Pbjman

    Shower drain - will this pass inspection?

    I can’t get you a picture, but if you want to know the drain is a schluter drain with a 2” outlet, about 4” of 2” PVC vertical then reduced to 1-1/2 Just above the trap. The trap and drain line are 1-1/2” PVC. Thanks
  2. Pbjman

    Shower drain - will this pass inspection?

    OK We can all agree that he is not a great plumber. Assuming inspector continues to allow the 1-1/2” line (they often do on tub to shower conversions) can this be vented with an AAV?. The actual AAV could be in the closet next to the shower. Thanks to all who have helped!
  3. Pbjman

    Shower drain - will this pass inspection?

    Hi Cacher. The distance from the trap to the stack is about 5-1/2 feet.
  4. Pbjman

    Shower drain - will this pass inspection?

    Hi HJ thanks for the reply. He actually does have a license. I've used him several times. Maybe have been lucky so far? I think a lot of times the inspectors let things slide on remods and grandfather in existing stuff but not this time. Aren't 1-1/2 shower drains allowed now? (michigan)...
  5. Pbjman

    Shower drain - will this pass inspection?

    Hi Plumber 69 thanks for replying, but I don't understand your sketch.
  6. Pbjman

    Shower drain - will this pass inspection?

    Hi I'm remodeling a bathroom. (Doing the construction myself, but my plumber pulled his own permit and did that part of the work.) Pulled the tub and converted to shower, moved the drain to center. The drain stack is cast iron. Here is the pic of how the drains went into the stack before...
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