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  1. Monimom

    New pressure tank , new issue... can anyone help me understand

    Hi , I had a 27 yo pressure tank replaced as the previous one had a water trickle sound at the end of pumping, so I figured I better get it changed out... had a plumber do just that, changed tank, fittings valves etc.. 3 times I have noticed now on different occasions while running bath water...
  2. Monimom

    Need clearer minds to help figure this out ..

    Hi, I am not familiar with all of the dynamics of vent pipes, but heres the scenario, please help me to understand what the culprit is.... We have an area on our bathroom wall( side of toilet ) that previously had a toilet paper holder attached, it had shown water type damage so we removed the...
  3. Monimom

    looking for advice on these test results

    Happy New Year, I have had an issue with my well since we had an addition built that was in fairly close proximity to the well..(25ft), the ground apparently had been disturbed enough to cause some issues with our manganese increasing and small amounts of sediment, I an not sure exactly what...
  4. Monimom

    Braided DW line leak. have you ever seen this??

    Good Morning, I am perplexed , hopefully someone here can help, bear with the length of this it might get wordy.. Our dishwasher braided line began leaking under the sink I assumed something had likely punctured it so I began to remove it, made mental notes of 2 things that are now possible...
  5. Monimom

    Well questions. Help me understand what is happening

    Good evening... I am hoping for a bit of assistance in understanding what is going on with our well.... heres the backstory; our well is 23 yrs old 140 ft down 4 gpm.(when it was drilled) , we have high manganese and iron , and have a standard drop in style sump large whole house filter 5...
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