Recent content by Peterac78

  1. Peterac78

    Plumbing/water heater- spots recently on ceiling downstairs, 2 story house. Condensation??? New wate

    Gas, tested T&P, outlet for T&P goes into catch pan water heater sits in. That is dry as can be. Water heater not leaking. It is vented through metal in top and into attic and up through roof. The water is in a small closet upstairs. In closet us also stack valve or whatever large PVC pipe that...
  2. Peterac78

    Plumbing/water heater- spots recently on ceiling downstairs, 2 story house. Condensation??? New wate

    Plumbing/water heater- spots recently on ceiling downstairs, 2 story house. Condensation??? New water heater. Live in home now for 20 years but could happen anywhere. Got a new water heater in September on 2nd floor in a tiny closet. In that closet is a metal aluminum vent and also a white...