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  • Hi Dana, are you available to come take a look my boiler issue? Sorry I assume you're in plumbing/HVAC. I am about 40 minutes from Worcester. Please let me know. Regardless, thank you for your helping me with the suggestions.
    I'm not in the HVAC/plumbing biz- home energy efficiency & mechanical systems & building science stuff are really just a decades long hobby. I wish I knew a competent hydronic to point you to in your area.
    Hi, I've read your posts about Navien units.I have a NCB-240E (moved in winter '17) that is only on water heating duty. The unit is kicking on frequently for short bursts when there is no call for hot water. All heat zones are off, no water use of any kind.Any idea on what could be the issue (should you think there is)?I have a decent understanding of general plumbing.However no exp. with tankless/combi-boilers.
    Hello,i also have read a few of your posts,thank yiou for them.. i had posted a question about tee spacing but i found it. So just wanted to thank you for sharing your knowledge on here.
    I have read several of your posts, and it appears you have an understanding of heating design. I am in need of a new natural gas furnace or boiler and unfortunately there are very few (if any) heating experts in our area. I would like to know if you can assist with specifying the size, type, and design of a new heating system. Is there a PM option on the forum to discuss details?
    molo- Yes there is a PM feature- click the "Inbox" link next to your name at the upper right, and then "Start a new conversation"
    I have a ranch style house in CT with both forced hot air and cast iron base. The boiler is a buderus gb142 with the am10. what are the best settings for this am10?
    OK, when you start talking about 3rd order effects of parameters, that really make me want to ask about my system and actually pay you for your advice!! Thank you for being here for the community, Dana!

    Dana - if you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living? You must have a Materials Science, or Mechanical Engineering background. I really appreciated hearing the details behind your explanations for my bathroom water vapor post. It always amazes me how much folks take for granted in a house/building design. Many right decisions must be made for the "system" to work. I'd appreciate any reading material you can recommend on the subject. I'm comfortable with Engineering math. Thanks again for your help and best wishes! Tom/ourzoo
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