Where is Cookie?

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What mad you think anything you said has ever disgusted me or anybody else here? Nope. This is a place where we can discuss "things", and sometimes comfort each other.

Still no plow, no Sunday newspaper, could not go out and bring home some nice hot fresh bagels. Wahhh, wahhh, wahhh. See? did that disgust you? well, maybe it did:p

Thank you. :) I had donuts today. lol. They were not hot and fresh, they one day olds...


DIY Senior Member
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Long Island, NY
Nah, day olds were Giant Eagle, Dunkin is too pricey these days. Have you priced a dozen? Yikes.
They're selling Dunkin here now for 6 for $3.99, which seem reasonable to me. I love 'em, but eat maybe only a few a year cause of all that fat they are fried in. If I knew I had only one week to live, I'd probably eat ten each day.


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They're selling Dunkin here now for 6 for $3.99, which seem reasonable to me. I love 'em, but eat maybe only a few a year cause of all that fat they are fried in. If I knew I had only one week to live, I'd probably eat ten each day.

That is reasonable, just not the price here, lol. Maybe, different prices in different states.


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Des Moines, WA
Here's one for ya'll. Never before before published photo of a "sea monster" that washed up on the beach during a storm 1970-71-ish in Ocean Park WA. Mom's camera only had one shot left, so that's all we got. The kid on the left is/was me...

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Des Moines, WA
I have no idea what that "monster" was.

It was just after sunrise on a weekend, and we had finished a long/early/cold couple of hours digging geoducks (anyone else ever tried that?). During the time it took us to drive the probably two mile round trip and pick up another roll of file, it was gone. There were lots of new tire tracks and it appeared that someone had trailered in a loader or something and scooped it up.

There was a short local newspaper article claiming a whale washed up on the beach. That was no whale, in my opinion.

On the far side was another "tail"/"neck" about the same diameter (they were slightly different, but not by much). It appeared to have had rubbery skin like a dolphin or whale, but it was had to tell since it had been rolled probably more that a hundred feet on the very flat beach. There were no obvious fins or legs that we could see. The thing that struck me was how small the bones were.

While I'd like to claim I've seen "Nessie's" cousin, I just doesn't look structurally sound enough ... but, you never know

In my opinion, there was either a lot missing, or it had been split open and was sitting on a mount of sand making it look much fatter (no reference to anyone on this forum) that it was. We did try moving it and it was very heavy.


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I am real BB. I have a site which my relative is referring to about cancer. I live with cancer. It is, www.lymphomabasics.com I have the site there for people like me who either have battled it, or live with it. But, I got relatives who have less of a life than I do. I feel sorry for them. I wish I was as healthy as them, but, I accept what God has given me. I have spent 5. years and 3 months total on chemotheraphy, I found my husband deceased on my basement floor at age 49 he suddenly, died from a heart attack, and, I still am happier than them. I have repeatedly, asked them to stop stalking me, to just simply leave me alone, since all they do is create heart ache. The post which was posted by a Fred Dobbs, is a perfect example. So, BB, I am for real. Sometimes, things are too real for me.


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All I do know, to be true in life, is what goes around comes around. And, we all meet our maker whether you believe in him or not. And, he will ask, " what have you learned in life?" The answer is, to love. I have learned to love without any regard for myself... So, I know, I will be ready when I die and I meet God, and see my husband again. I hope, all others are, too. There are no guarantees for anyone. I have lived beyond the medical field expectations, so, I know, each day is a gift for me, but, it should be for all others, too, whether or not, there is an expiration stamp on your foot. I have fought hard to live this life of mine, fought hard to be here for those I want to be with, and I deserve peace.
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I am sorry to BB, and to Bob, and for the real people of this site, for I know, this is wrong, and obtrusive, but, believe me, which ever one of them did that, they won't stop. Unless, I say something, or do something. So, if anyone of my friends here on this site want to say anything on my behalf, I would be grateful, and feel less whatever, the word is about this. I apologize for my relatives guys.

They will not be happy until, they can dance and spit, on my grave.

But, the joke is on them, I will live to break 100, and, I will live quite happily, too. With cancer, or without cancer. And, I don't need to stalk people or meddle in others' lives to enjoy mine.
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FYI Mr Dobbs, I have not intentionally made any references to Cookie in this thread. While I don't really know for a fact, Cookie does appear to be for real.

I'd imagine she looks more like the lady in your sig. Actually, I never really thought about it, she has my respect based on what she's written during my short time here...

Probably best to get to know everyone real good before making personal jokes.

I've noticed that when things get ugly on this forumn, sometimes a bunch of posts just vanish. Doesn't bother me a bit, even if I happen to be "innocent". I can always post my old photo somewhere else if someone wants to discuss such things more.

Thank you BB. No one ever said, life was going to be easy, but, I never bargained for so much grief in my life, either.

That picture of yours was quite interesting. I don't think it was a whale either. I wonder really, what it was. My husband and I owned some property in the mountains, I still have it, and, we went fishing alot in the river, and even though the rivers were so clean and so crystal clear, we couldn't make out a strange looking fish once. At first we thought it was an alligator, but, it wasn't, we never did figure it out, and since we didn't have a camera, no picture to tell the story, either. It was not any where near the size of yours either, it was a fraction of it, just very strange looking, odd. I wonder if they had really done anything with what you saw. That thing was huge! The back of it, kind of looked like an alligator in a way, too. I need to go back and look at your photo, and, I will do that later.

And, no, I do not look like a raving lunatic like in the pictures she or he, posted. Not to sound arrogant, but, for everything I have been through, I look damn good. :) My oncologist is funny, he said once, " i think chemo agrees with you."

And, I hope your picture stays but, I wouldn't mind some posts vanishing after the Dobb's gets the point of mine, and I would appreciate that IP of Fred's to be banned, too.

But, I am sure, there will be yet, another one, and another one, and another one. Fred did you find any gold yet prospecting, i bet you still got your prospecting pans, eh.
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BobL and Blue Blinky you are both wrong. One of these two pictures are of Cookie.
View attachment 19094

View attachment 19095

If you don't believe that - ask anyone who has disagreeded with her on the site.

How does one disagree with someone on a site which doesn't have a forum? LOL... FREDERICK, go back to hunting for gold.
www.lymphomabasics.com A cancer site.

LET ME give you something new to do. Something new to stalk guys (relatives). Here, I will tell you more of what you can find on me. I write a Column for the American Heart Association, ohhh, that is juicy, and, then, I write 2 more columns for 2 supermarkets on Wellness, (rubbing my hands together can't wait to find this) AND, 2 columns, for 2 newspapers! JUICY JUICY JUICY news... (my brow is sweating) and, in my spare time you can find me volunteering my time with kids with cancer! and, on off hours at the hospitals when they call me in for newly diagnosed patients of any form of cancer who is having a hard time digesting the bad news... sometimes, they swear! and, you know what, that doesn't bother me. Sheez. Swear words, are nothing compared to ONES' ACTIONS. eh.

NOW, if you can't find me late at night, it is because I need to write to get things done to help pay bills, if you can't find me at the hospitals either as a patient or a volunteer then, you might find me showing a house, or appraising a house... So, you better take off your prospecting boots and put on PF Flyer tennis shoes! and, in between all of this, I get a date only ( once) in a while since I am so bone u.g.l.y. :)

Happy Stalking!
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Now that Fred the prospector is gone, at least for now, back to the Sea Monster, but, first I got to tell you something which is puzzling me, I wasn't going to mention this here, but, what the heck.

I want your opinion on this, Bob, BB, Don, and others who are real here. lol. you know what I mean. :)

Here goes. Two times last week, I saw my husband's ghost. Two times, and, I know what i saw. I saw his spirit or ghost whatever, you call it, the day after he past in 2005, walking past the bottom of the stairs, like he used to do, when he was sneaking a cigerette. I used to open up the door really quick and tease him, and he would go running with his smoke. I know this was my husband, because he was so tall, and would never stand up straight, so he developed a round like back, kind of distincitive, but he was so handsome it didn't matter.

Two times I saw him, once, in the entry way and the other time in the doorway of the diningroom. And, both times he looked like he wanted to say something to me, very briefly I could see features. He was always so protective of me, and, would had thrown himself in front of a bus for me, he loved me that much.

After all these years, since 2005, why now? I hope you all believe me, I really did see him. Once, come to think of it, when I had to have a plumber at my house, in the basement he came up, and said he had to leave and he left really quick saying, he saw something down there, and he was pretty shaken up. Alot infact. I kept trying to ask him but, he kept running. He even left some tools and when, I called him, he never came back for them.

I wonder if he can do interstate traveling.
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DIY Senior Member
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Long Island, NY
Cookie, I don't think I have ever seen a ghost, but I have no serious doubts that it is very possible. I belive you, I really do. I see this has kept you up all night, or you got some short naps in between posts. Wow Nothing like family. You can chose yours friends though.


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I had some things I had to write on. I had 2 columns coming up to a due date, and, since, I was NOW awake, lol, I made good use to my time. I got 2 hours sleep and got back up to continue working. I got bills to pay. It is not easy. Family, yeah. I am glad I can pick my friends, I made alot of them, some here, too. :)

If Tim will travel, and, I swear on anything holy I saw him two times last week, I will give him a new GPS system. I will even program it.


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Tim and I used to always talk about this kind of stuff. I didn't know before I bought this house that a woman past away in it, until, I saw her one day in my bedroom. I thought it was my imagination, then, the boys came home and got off the bus and was pretty upset at first because some of the other kids told them that a woman died in their house and it was haunted. I talked to the sales agent and she did then, tell me it was true and asked me if I wanted to know, which room she died in, and, I told her, I bet I can guess. I was right, my bedroom. So, I was not imagining what I saw. But, it never bothered me. And, the kids thought it was cool we had a haunted house. I played spooky music on the porch at Halloween, lol.

But, what happened when my husband died, was different. In a little heart-shaped jewerly box I have 5 buttons. These were the buttons they ripped off his shirt that night putting an EKG on him. The next day, I found those buttons on the floor and I picked them up, and I laid them on a desk in the basement. When, I came back down, they were ontop of each other, stacked in a pile. I knew, I didn't do that, I just laid them on the desk. Well, I put them one by one next to each other, looked at it a half of dozen times, and, went back upstairs, and when I came back down the next morning, they were stacked again, on top of each other. I did this one more time, and, then, I understood the message. He was still there. I really loved this guy and, there was nothing, he would not had done for me, so, I got a feeling he will hang around making sure his family is okay, until, we all meet again. But, I need the plumbing fixed down there, and, he makes it alittle difficult when the plumbers run out. But, I am acquiring a nice set of tools.

There is only one plumber who doesn't run and, I am waiting on him to visit, I think, Tim likes him.

Tim was my number one supporter, where so many men would gallop at one or two diagnoses of cancer on their wife, he never did, not even with five. Being we were having no luck at stopping this cancer, it was like a run away train, I find it puzzling why, after his death, I am in remission. Sure, I use that word with care, but, I have not been on chemicals since he died. I think, he told God, " Look, my wife is a really nice lady, give her a break, okay?" and, God complied. It even baffles the medical field.

Tim barely tolerated some family members.
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