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I live in San Francisco and have a home that is more than 50 yrs old, complete with a 14" toilet rough-in. I would like to buy a new toilet with pressure assisted flush, Flushmate or anything else you recommend. I've looked at Toto and Amer Std, but can't find 14" with pressure assist. Toto makes something called a "14 inch Unfit Rough-in," but I'm not sure if that does what I need. Can anyone give me some toilet suggestions, short of rebuilding my home? Thanks.



Retired Defense Industry Engineer xxx
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New England
What many people discover with pressure assist is: they require more maintenance, they're loud, they often shred things, and leave little bits in the tank, and they don't necessarily flush any better than a well-designed modern gravity toilet. So, you can buy one if you wish...good luck to you. It was an idea to overcome poor engineering and use old molds and products with the smaller quantity of water required by the feds.

Terry has some comparison tests of various toilets. Most of the Totos work quite well, and the newest ones only use 1.28 gallons/flush. Some of the Totos are a little unique in that they use an adapter to mate the toilet with the flange. This allows them to use the same toilet in any of the three standard flange offsets: 10, 12, and 14". So, you get the same exact toilet, but use the adapter required to get it to sit where you want it. I've got 2 Totos that use this adapter, and they work fine. I've put in two Dalton model Totos at my mother's house, and they also work great.


DIY Senior Member
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Omaha, NE
I had a Flushmate-equipped toilet for about 8 years. Everything Jim says is true. It was loud (to the point it scared some kids in my son's cub scout den); it has such a violent flush it tends to shred paper, and leave it floating in the bowl after the 1st flush, requiring a second flush. I had to replace the cartridge once (about $35).

I now have a Toto Soiree, which uses the UniFit adapter. The UniFit is a plastic adapter which bolts to the flange (with a traditional wax ring) and to your floor. It's a small pain to put in, requiring drilling 4 holes in your finished floor, but once in, it's a great time saver if you ever have to take the toilet up (say, to paint or paper behind it) - you will never need to buy another wax ring, but instead just pull the toilet and replace it. Very simple!

I highly recommend the Soiree. It has all the advantages you've read about the rest of the Toto line (quiet, nearly impossible to clog) - but with one HUGE advantage - better washing of the sides of the bowl.

Also looks pretty neat (for a toilet!)
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