Advice needed for preparing for a hurricane

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DIY Senior Member
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Long Island, NY
Actually, here the general real estate tax, or (ad valorem tax), is made up of the taxes levied on real estate by various govn bodies and municipalities. These taxes are known as ad valorem it is Latin for "according to value" taxes because the amount is based on the value of the property being taxed. General real estate taxes are levied for the general operation of the govn body or agency authorized to levy the tax. These taxing bodies include:

counties, cities, boroughs and townships
school districts or boards
drainage, water and sanitary districts, and
municipal authorites operating parks, forest preserves and recreational districts.

Historically, real estate taxes have been the principal source of revenue for local govn in most states, including mine. Real estate taxes are one of those certainties in life that property owners just cannot escape. Ian, rising costs of govn coupled with increasing costs to operate and maintain real estate , however, have raised debate over the fairness of real estate taxes. Homeowners argue, that the ownership of a basic necessity does not connote affluenece or wealth. Furthermore, real estate tax bills are not tied to the owner's income or ability to pay. This is especially problematic for people living on fixed incomes. Property owners also often argue that they are paying for services such as public schools, they do not personally use, which is something to which I do agree to.

Some states, such as mine, legislature has attempted to alleviate the dependence on real estate tax by permitting local govn bodies to collect sales or income tax in lieu of real estate tax. However, few taxing bodies have embraced these alternatives. Recently, legislators made yet another attempt at tax reform when they passed Act 72 in 2004, which some of you might remember; the slot-machine gambling legislation. This would funnel money generated from the newly legalized gambling to local school districts. They, in turn, would reduce property tax bills to homeowners. The Act also requires school districts to increase local income taxes and to place on ballot for voter approval certain proposed property tax increases.

Now, here there are certain exemptions from taxation in most states. Common exemptions are granted for property owned by

city, state and federal govn
munipal authorities
education institutions
religious institutions and
public charities

As simple as this sounds, it is not, the laws as usual are fairly complex. I actually know someone who tried to be exempted by stating their home was actually, a religious institution because they prayed at meal time. Some states will allow special exemptions to reduce real estate tax bills for certain property owners or land users. For instance, senior citizens, ( yes Ian the elderly) are granted reductions or limited increases in assessed values on their homes, known as Homestead Exemptions. These exemptions are especially important for longtime residents in neighborhoods where significant increases in property values would otherwise make the taxes unaffordable. Other temporary reductions in real estate taxes are frequently used to attract industries, stimulate economic growth and development, or encourage rehab of properties.

The assessment, or assessed value, is the official value of real estate that is used for tax purposes. Real estate is valued, or assessed, for tax purposes by county assessors, evalutors, or appraisers. This is what I do. Assessments are normally a percentage of the property's fair market value. Depending on the type of property and the taxing jurisdiction within which it is located, one value may be assigned to the total property or separate values may be assigned to the land and the building.

A property owner who feels that the county made an error in determining the assessed value of the property may appeal the assessment. In some jurisidictions, when it is necessary to correct general inequalities in statewide tax assessments, an equalization factor is used to achieve uniformity. This factor may be applied to raise or lower assessments in a particular county. The assessed value of each property in the area is mutliplied by the equalization factor; the tax rate is then applied to the equalized assessment. For instance, if the assessments in one county are determined to be 20 percent lower than the average assessments throughout the rest of the state, the underassessment can be corrected by applying an equalization factor of 120 percent to each assessment in that county. A parcel of real estate assessed at 98,000, for example, would be taxed on an eqalized value of 117,600 (98,000x1.20=$117,600)

The process of determing a real estate tax rate begins with the adoption of a budget by each taxing body. The next step is appropriation. This is the way a taxing body authorizies the expenditure and the acquisition of funding. The tax rate may be expressed in mills. A mill is 1/1,000 of a dollar, or $0.001.

A property owner's tax bill is computed by applying the tax rate to the assessed valuation of the property. For example, on a property assessed for tax purposes at 90,000 in a taxing district with a tax rate of 30 mills, the tax bill would be $2,700,($90,000x0.03=$2,700).

The bottom line is, in desiring to pay lower property taxes is to find the district with a lower millage; which is why my property taxes are low. I pay 1,200 a year.

Bob, you could appeal.

Cookie, I've been in this house since 1971. Back then the taxes were 900 bucks and went up quickly to 1100. Over the years, they just kept climbing, like all of Long Island taxes did. I've been through many grievances, got several reductions, been through small claims court to get some of them. It's just a fact of ife here. What does suck though is guys like Ian suggestiong I pay higher taxes to help the poor. the guy must be delusional.
I only have a one story ranch 3 BR, 2-1/2 baths on 1/3rd acre in a working class neighborhood, no castle or Taj Mahal here. Most of my friends living on Long Island pay the same as I do or more. One pays $15K for a colonial on 1/2 acre. Our taxes ARE based on property values that are very wierd too, because the last tax bill shows my assessesd value is about 39K, although the average selling price here is closer to 300K. Used to be closer to 500K several years ago, but you know how that went.


DIY Senior Member
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Long Island, NY
It should be long past there.

We're in the worst of it now until 3am.

There are lots of bands of rain. Some of them heavy. The wind is up.Power is still on. But my small sump pit is filling every 2 minutes.

Lots of heavy rain here and strong winds, but the eye won't be here for a few more hours at 10 am. Several tornado watches have been posted in area. Over 250,000 have lost power here in burbs, so lots of BBQ's will be busy when its all over. YeeHa!

Anyway, at the moment, its a strong Tropical Storm here just under category 1 hurricane, which is much better than was predicted. Tons of rain. West Nile Mosquitos have been a big concern here this summer. SWATT!

Ian Gills

Senior Robin Hood Guy
Reaction score
The more you pay in property tax Bob, the less you pay elsewhere.

You know the way this country works. Income tax is low, but they get you on the property taxes. All in all you probably pay the same in taxes here as other "more socialist" countries, but don't get the services. In England, you'd pay the same but get national health care, for example.

Well, in the fight of the hurricane versus my Zoeller, the Zoeller won.

We didn't need to go to Stage 3. Today, I'll be cleaning the backyard. There's lots of American growth that has fallen from trees on it.

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DIY Senior Member
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Long Island, NY
The more you pay in property tax Bob, the less you pay elsewhere.

You know the way this country works. Income tax is low, but they get you on the property taxes. All in all you probably pay the same in taxes here as other "more socialist" countries, but don't get the services. In England, you'd pay the same but get national health care, for example.

Well, in the fight of the hurricane versus my Zoeller, the Zoeller won.

So being that I pay so much in property taxes, all else should be free.

A guy went with a truck to a potato farm to buy some potatos. He asked the farmer how much they cost. Farmer said "the more you buy, they cheaper they get". guy says to keep filling his truck til they are free:p


DIY Senior Member
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Stage 4: If the batteries go, empty the sump pit by hand.

If a tree falls on the house, all bets are off.

Bury the lines.

Ian, all of NYC Manhattan's power lines are underground. The NY Harbor is starting now to breach the seawall and flowing into the streets at the Battery. Con Ed is announcing they probably are going to shut down power in lower Manhattan, so burying all the power is not the answer at all. Many transformers are underground to provide power to the buildings in the city. Some buildings have their own transformers, but water and electricity do not mix well.


DIY Senior Member
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Long Island, NY
You must live in a frigging palace. My taxes are less than $2K.


Taxes are probably lower than yours in Montana, but I don't think that's where I want to live.

No Palace, as I wrote in response to one of Cookies posts. but the cost of living in the NY Metro area is extreme. I don't know how the payscales compare to the rest of the US or Canada, though. Everything is normally relative. I never felt that I was overpaid, who does?;)


DIY Senior Member
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Long Island, NY
Well, the winds aren't good here. He has to drive through PA here, I'm not far from NY. He will connect onto, Interstate 75, and go to Atlanta. What a time to start a new job. He is a great kid, I don't know why I am so lucky to have someone like my kids. He said, mom I will call you every couple hours, and I said, i will be awake, and he said, " i know you will be." It doesn't matter how old or how big your kids get, they are still your babies. I still meticiously packed him stuff, like he was going to camp. He even said that. I was outside at midnight checking under the hood of a the car, like... I knew... what I was looking for. I filled up the wiper stuff, checked the oil yesterday, checked the tires yesterday, had the brakes checked yesterday, the mechanics are good, they put up with me, lol. They know, when I bring that car in, my kid is going somewhere. For if it was me, I could care less. I really like being a mom.

Cookie good luck in your son's travels.


New Member
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North Carolina
I know its later now lol, but unless he went down the coast he had no problems I am sure. Even my son on the coast weathered the storm with only minor damage to a fence. The power was shut down to prevent fires and other damage. In the central plains area where I am there was only some strong winds. Anyway hope all is well for everyone.


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He got in a couple of hours ago, now is sleeping. That is a relief. The only thing I worry about honestly are the kids. Everything else falls by the wayside. I should never have a heart attack which would kill me. lol. My other son, the older son, brought back my jeep while the younger son took my other car. I need something for work, lol. As long as it has a roof ( incase of a hurricane) and tires that is all I need. I gave them both the cars, so I got to buy something at some point. I am thinking a mini-cooper, I love those cars they remind me of Mr. Bean. I would laugh everytime I got in it. Now, my older son brought over my grandson. Oh, boy he is a cutie, and is now holding onto things and walking. So, the candles off the coffee table had to go, the tv remote was an interesting item and Thomas, the young cat he loved. Ask Thomas how he feels, lol. OF course, since the neighbor's have been asking about my grandson, I made my older son walk over to them and we showed him off. My aged neighbor, whome I love more than I can say, started crying when he saw him. I love that man. It is ashame people got to get old but, then, dying young really sucks, eh. My older son wanted the drawings his dad did, he was actually, an architect by trade but, did nothing but electrical; and, as fate would have it, I couldn't find a one. I don't know where I put them. He did a wonderful drawing of an A-frame, he wanted to frame. I did find some aerial pictures of Sydney & Halifax, Nova Scotia where he worked and so he took those and going to frame them. They are wonderful. I will have to find the other drawings for him.. What I did find which was funny, was the old MRI's of my brain, lol. It showed an old brain lesion which turned out to be I found out a vascular malformation just recently. I asked him, if he wanted those, lol. I have no idea why he doesn't want to frame them. That is all I got to offer. ;) So, it is Sunday, and on this Sunday, once again, I feel so proud of both of my sons, I could gloat. :) I look at my older son's family, he has 3 sons, 2 he adopted, and, I just can't stop smiling. I am without a doubt the luckiest woman in the world.

I hope all is well for those with that storm. I looked outside to see if anything good had blown my way, ratz, nothing.

I love storms and stinkbugs.
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Reaction score

Taxes are probably lower than yours in Montana, but I don't think that's where I want to live.

No Palace, as I wrote in response to one of Cookies posts. but the cost of living in the NY Metro area is extreme. I don't know how the payscales compare to the rest of the US or Canada, though. Everything is normally relative. I never felt that I was overpaid, who does?;)

It would be interesting to know how the prop taxes are done there, if separate always on land and structure, or both? How the laws play to it? And, lastly, if it is related to earnings? A comparision would be neat.

I know Ian sometimes doesn't understand how complicated the tax laws are and what is involved, it just isn't that simple. Especially, real estate law.


General Engineering Contractor
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northfork, california
Hope Ian got his marine batteries at wally-mart so he can return them, or get a few boats and chargers to maintain them.

I always add a second battery to my vehicles if I can find a place for one.

Ian Gills

Senior Robin Hood Guy
Reaction score
It's cheaper to buy a boat than a marine battery.

But I'll keep it for a "rainy day".

I'll connect my batteries in parallel. Should be fun.


DIY Senior Member
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Long Island, NY
Lots of heavy rain here and strong winds, but the eye won't be here for a few more hours at 10 am. Several tornado watches have been posted in area. Over 250,000 have lost power here in burbs, so lots of BBQ's will be busy when its all over. YeeHa!

Anyway, at the moment, its a strong Tropical Storm here just under category 1 hurricane, which is much better than was predicted. Tons of rain. West Nile Mosquitos have been a big concern here this summer. SWATT!

Well, it is now 5 days after Irene, and there are STILL 78,000 homes on Long Island without power! I never lost mine, so I am very lucky.
Public service govt owned utility. My taxes at work. They had to import electrical service crews from around the country to do the repair work. somebody gave an estimate of 14 BILLION dollars to put the wires underground, so that will never happen. That would not fix/prevent it all either.

Ian Gills

Senior Robin Hood Guy
Reaction score
It would fix it Bob but Americans are too cheap to do it.

We need to face facts. Countries that have buried their power lines have made outages a thing of the past.

England has had hurricanes like we have just had (rarely) and we don't lose power. I can't remember a power cut there for thirty years.

America is like Africa. The wind blows. The power goes.

And you can't stand to put your hand in your pocket to fix it.

That's cheap.


DIY Senior Member
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
It would fix it Bob but Americans are too cheap to do it.

We need to face facts. Countries that have buried their power lines have made outages a thing of the past.

England has had hurricanes like we have just had (rarely) and we don't lose power. I can't remember a power cut there for thirty years.

America is like Africa. The wind blows. The power goes.

And you can't stand to put your hand in your pocket to fix it.

That's cheap.

Well to be honest with you, what DOES bother me with the overhead wiring is how ugly it is. A storm such as we had last weekend is not very often up here. Last big problem was in 1985 with Gloria. But personally, I WOULD be willing to pay some bucks to clear up the ugly mess. Between primary power, secondary power, cable TV, copper POTS telephone wires, Fiber optic cables, it is one big ugly mess. And then the kids thow pairs of sneakers tied together over the wires to decorate them.


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I saw a pair of those sneakers once fall on the roof of the car in front of me, while sitting at a redlight. I could see him looking in the rear view mirror, the side mirrors, and then, trying to see the roof hanging out his window. It was one of the funnniest things to see. I guess he heard a "thump." I tried to tell him before the light changed but, he sped away too fast, with the shoes on the roof.

I'm waiting on a size 7, black stiletto's, I always look up...

... in my city, you could go shoe shopping off of the wires.

... when it is windy, go for a drive, you will come home with over a dozen pair.

Ian, it helps keep the cost down come school season. You say to your kids, " come on kids, we're going shoe shopping!"

You just can't do that if you bury the wires. Imagine, what you are proposing, think about all those barefoot people in the winter time in all that snow. They won't have any shoes.
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Ian Gills

Senior Robin Hood Guy
Reaction score
Well, if we're being honest and having a heart-to-heart, I'll also drop what really bothers me about overhead cables in the United States of America.


In England, you see the kids flying 'em everywhere. But I have yet to see anyone fly a kite in America, or even one being sold in a shop.

But then you can't fly kites when you have high voltage above your head. Can you?


DIY Senior Member
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Well, if we're being honest and having a heart-to-heart, I'll also drop what really bothers me about overhead cables in the United States of America.


In England, you see the kids flying 'em everywhere. But I have yet to see anyone fly a kite in America, or even one being sold in a shop.

But then you can't fly kites when you have high voltage above your head. Can you?

Ben Franklin did it, and look what he discovered!:p

There are plenty of places all over the US to fly kites if you really want to. Maybe not in DC; what about London?


New Member
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Well, if we're being honest and having a heart-to-heart, I'll also drop what really bothers me about overhead cables in the United States of America.


In England, you see the kids flying 'em everywhere. But I have yet to see anyone fly a kite in America, or even one being sold in a shop.

But then you can't fly kites when you have high voltage above your head. Can you?

You really are ignorant aren't you?
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