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  1. Captainron

    Sand Point Irrigation

    I installed a sand point last year and ran irrigation for my lawn and there wasn't any issues last year. I was getting around 9 - 10 GPM. This year however my pump pressure drops to 15 to 20 while running the irrigation which affects the sprinkler heads from covering the area. I haven't...
  2. Captainron

    Jet Pump won't shut off

    I have just put a sand point in and bought a new jet pump. After hooking up and pulling water at about 6 gal per min, and when i stop using water, my pump doesn't shut off. It gets to about 30 to 35 psi but not any higher. When i unplug the pump, the pressure drops to 12psi and holds at that...
Hey, wait a minute.

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