NJ uses NSPC code.
NSPC/2006, Appendix E, “Special Design Plumbing Systems,” Section E.8, “Air-Admittance Valves.” This section specifies that the installation of AAVs are allowed only when the special design plumbing system is designed by a registered design professional who is licensed to practice in the particular jurisdiction. Therefore, if AAVs are used, the system must be designed by a New Jersey Registered Architect or New Jersey Licensed Engineer.
Under a rehabilitation project, the code official may allow the installation of an AAV by considering a variation based on hardship caused by existing conditions. This is a judgment to be made by the code official. The code official may consider and may issue, but is not required to accept and approve, the variation.
On the other hand,
https://ipscorp.com/plumbing/brands/studor/approvals-by-state/ would seem to say AAVs are approved statewide. Now is that misleading? Or do you not have to get special approval?
You may need a pump to raise the condensate, depending on its height.