Heavy corrosion on hot water tank cold water inlet

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Hi. I've seen posts about HW tank inlet corrosion, but none seem to be what I have. Apologies if this is a repeat though.

I get a ton of green corrosion on my HW tank cold inlet. No corrosion on outlet side. No leaks. Works perfectly. Some details: It's a 50 gallon Triangle Tube ACV indirect heater, coming off of a fuel oil boiler. About 7 years old. Well water, but minimal hardness and normal pH. House is 1840, so god knows what's in the walls, but everywhere I can see is copper pipe or pex. Pipe from boiler to HW heater is copper to pex to copper.

Pictures below... One as found and one after brushing off the crystals and wiping down. Is this problematic and how to fix it if so?


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