We had a hot side copper pipe leak in our bathroom under the slab. The way we found out is the AC duct near buy was filling with water and we could hear it hissing/trickling
We did not cut the slab, just rerouted the line around the leak
1 month later there is another leak in the same spot, leaking into the AC duct, same scenario
We guess that the cold and hot lines run side by side.
Could the hot side leaking water around the ouside of the cold side caused a leak on the cold side?
We did not cut the slab, just rerouted the line around the leak
1 month later there is another leak in the same spot, leaking into the AC duct, same scenario
We guess that the cold and hot lines run side by side.
Could the hot side leaking water around the ouside of the cold side caused a leak on the cold side?