waste stack

  1. M

    Kitchen island sink drain into basement washing machine drain

    Hi, First post on this forum. I am building a cottage with my dad and i have naively decided that this DIY project would include the plumbing... I am in Québec, Canada (sorry for my rusty english). My question is... I have a kitchen island sink on my first floor and I am wondering how to...
  2. Dbit

    Replacing Kitchen Sink Drain Waste Pipe Behind Kitchen Wall - Est. Cost, etc

    So my wife and I have recently dealt with replumbing our kitchen sink. We replaced the P trap, updated supply lines, found we had a leak in our strainer so fixed that, there was a corroded extension pipe leading to the waste pipe (both I believe galvanized steel? it's a 1923 house and we're not...
  3. RJ539

    Waste Stack Discharge Receipt

    Terry, With reference to the paragraph cited below, I am confused with the third (3rd) sentence found in Para. 913.2 of the 2018 IPC: Is it's intent to prevent someone from locating a toilet flange directly on top of the waste stack? If not, I'm at a loss to understand how one directs the...
  4. Joey Larson

    Relocating Second Floor Bathroom Vanity

    Good Morning, I am remodeling a second story bathroom and moving the double vanity away from the house's main stack. I was wondering if I can drain the vanity on a different line to the basement and tie into the existing laundry tub drain. I have attached a diagram for what I mean, the red...
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