
  1. Raven

    Water heater not heating

    This is a new one on me. Hopefully someone else has some thoughts what to look for. In the recent freeze, we lost hot water. It froze so fast didn't even get a chance to do all the prevention steps. But when it thawed, there seem to be no busted or cracked pipes. Yet there is no hot water. We've...
  2. Ron_Jeremy

    How to determine if heat pump has "aux/emergency/backup" heat?

    I'd like to change the thermostat that controls an Amana heat pump because it's incredibly unintuitive. I often see the following warning on the back of many thermostat packages: For use on heat pumps without aux heat. Sometimes instead of the term 'aux heat' I see 'emergency heat' or 'backup...
  3. Larry Blsair

    ucg/udg Programable thermostat

    Has anyone every heard of these or used one. I bought on about 2 months ago from HD when I set up my hot water floor heat. i use it to turn on a TACO F9 pump that circulates the hot water through the floor. It has a second sensor that I put in the floor with a maximum temp of 85 degrees so...
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