
  1. Jackson882

    Irrigation. Tap into main line

    I am wanting to install a sprinkler system at my house. I have 3/4 PEX coming from water meter into my house. I was wondering the best way to tap into this line. I want to run PVC for the sprinkler system so I will need some sort of 3/4 PEX fitting with a tee for the PVC to run off of. Can...
  2. ApoJake

    Sand in my Sandpoint Well water

    Hi! I purchased a house that has a sandpoint well installed in ~1990. This is a direct driven point well (no casing) that is a 2" steel pipe that is only used for an underground irrigation system. When I did the washer-on-a-string method, I measured a depth of 23 feet until I hit the bottom so...
  3. Mark Pearson

    Suggestion for submersible pump (from lake) for irrigation

    I am installing an irrigation system that will draw water from a lake. Total run will be 250 feet at a total elevation of 30 feet. What size submersible pump do I need and does anyone have any suggestions? I appreciate your time and expertise with this matter.
  4. Mika Estrella

    Reconnect Sprinker System

    I recently purchased a new home and the entire front yard was covered in gravel . I've removed all gravel and sprinkler heads and such are all still in place but not connected to the water . The previous owner disconnected something and I can't figure out what it is ?
  5. tomtom

    Sprinkler head problem

    I have Rain Bird rotor sprinklers installed in my backyard. One of the sprinklers will not turn when all others will. Is there something I could quickly check?
  6. kissiffer4

    Sprinkler backflow preventer - leaking through the top on certain zones

    Hi, I recently started up my sprinkler system and having got past the first hurdle (replacing a valve), the backflow preventer is now causing problems by leaking a ton of water through the top. Strange thing is, it is only on certain sprinkler zones that it is happening. I cycled through each...
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