
  1. jammy

    Silicon tubing burst in fridge application

    Hi: I was repairing a leaky water tube between the water pump and icemaker/water dispenser in a Kenmore Elite refrigerator model # 79571033010. The OEM tubing is a white plastic tube part # MJU62070602. I had to splice a small section of a new tube, so I used a piece of 5/16" OD silicone tube...
  2. GTOwagon

    Backflusing Frequency for Sand and Carbon Filters

    Gents, I have Lancaster media filters after my chlorine retention tank, and the first is the larger sand filter, for turbidity and pieces of sediment, and the second is the carbon backflush. After a few months I caught a whiff of a mustyish sulphur in the cold line on the washing machine and...
  3. Stevenson

    Water Valve Behind Refrigerator

    The old refrigerator was removed and a new refrigerator was installed. The issue is: The shut-off valve was turned back to the "on" (open) position once installing the new hose to new refrigerator but no water is coming from the pipe. Does anyone happen to have any recommendations?
  4. Susan Aumack

    Proper install for refrigerator water line

    I'm a homeowner in the midst of a major remodel. I have a plumbing question. I'm not at all knowledgeable about the right valves and water lines and hook ups. My contractor installed a plastic (looks like plastic) water line where the refrigerator will go. When the appliance delivery and...
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