
  1. antonyupward

    NTI 200 Replacement Options

    Hi, I have an NTI T200 combi boiler/tankless DHW - installed in 2003. This for a 2 adult household. Loads are basement underfloor (approx 500 sq ft), one small radiator/towel rack, and a 120,000 BTU air handler (vents in all parts of the house - total 2000 sq ft). The house is older, but...
  2. antonyupward

    NTI T200 - Anyone Have Replacement Parts Availability - Long Shot

    Hi, I have a NTI Trinity T200 Combi boiler installed 2003 and maintained consistently since then. I've been happy with its performance and economy, although I have also had a fair number of (relatively minor) issues with it - but I'm told these are "normal" (pump failure, igniters failing...
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