
  1. M

    T-stat question on gas fire millivolt system

    I am troubleshooting a problem with T-stat control of a Jotul gas fireplace. The unit is intermittently failing to light using T-stat control. When I toggle the mounted switch from”T-stat” to “On” the fireplace lights normally. I tried replacing the thermopile with no change. Occasionally the...
  2. OldSalt

    Direct Vent Gas Fireplace - Problems

    Not sure if this forum handles these animals. Propane fireplaces seem to fit into a niche between plumbing, HVAC, and fireplace specialty stores. I have a Direct Vent Propane Gas Fireplace, with a problem. See picture below: Unit is a Vermont Castings (formerly Majestic) MLDV500PSC Unit...
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