
  1. Rebekah Rich

    Rust around element/thermostat

    Hello, I am in need of some advice. My 50 gallon electric water heater was recently leaking at the connection from the cold water supply. That's been fixed, and still no hot water- so I opened up the bottom panel and discovered the insulation was wet. Turned out the leak had caused a lot of...
  2. Martiens J Bekker

    No Warm Water

    Hi I have a Høiax 200lt, single element heater/geyser. Age not known, but bought it with the home 2016. Replaced element 2017. The main Breaker tripped and it seems that the heater/geyser was the case. In the end I had replace the Breaker. Geyser however stopped heating the water. Although...
  3. Jaredpapa

    Reliance 606 Element Leaking

    Based on the various guides on this website, I'm probably looking at replacing my water heater. But this is a last ditch effort to do some DIY before calling a repair tech or dropping hundreds on a new tank. One month ago the lower element starting leaking rusty looking water. So I replaced the...
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